[REL] Gun Runners Mail Order Catalog

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:58 pm


NVSE Disclaimer

NOTE: This mod requires NVSE (v1.0 beta 10 as of 5.01.11). Since NVSE is still in beta, this mod must also be considered a beta release. Please go to http://nvse.silverlock.org/ for downloads and more information.

Patch Disclaimer

This mod only works with Fallout New Vegas v1.3 (4.25.11).

Mail Order Catalogs

Courier: "Chet, this is all you have? Crappy 9mm's and silenced .22's? Don't you have anything with more... OOMPH?"
Chet: "Sorry, man, but this is all I can get my hands on. This is Goodsprings; not New Vegas."

Do you have caps to spare for more firepower but tire of trekking all over the Mojave Wasteland? On the east side of the Goodsprings General Store and next to the tail of the Dinky the Dinosaur in Novac, there is a mail order catalog stand and dropbox.

Buying Firepower Through the Mail

Upon loading a save or starting a new character, the merchandise codes will automatically download to your Pip-Boy. After browsing through the notes to find what item you want, make a mental note of the number, click the mail order catalog stand, and go through the menus. Wait two or three days and you should see a message pop up around 3:00 PM asking you to check the dropbox.

1. For normal shipping, orders placed before 3:00PM will be delivered in two days and orders placed after 3:00PM will be delivered in three days. For rapid shipping, it is one day faster.
2. The prices are the standard values of each item plus 10% for normal shipping and 30% for rapid shipping.
3. This mail order service will only sell weapons and weapon mods. For game balance reasons, consumables like ammunition, grenades, and mines are not available.


The way the quest script works, you shouldn't wait for two days straight to get your delivery. The quest script has a variable that checks for when it's about 3:00 PM. You have to be awake and not in menu mode (like sleeping or waiting) for two time periods: the first from midnight to 2:59 PM and the second between 3:00 PM and midnight. Note that you have to be awake for at least 5 seconds in real time during each of the two time periods. That way the quest script will fire correctly and update the time left. In other words, don't just sit there and wait for the package. Go out and kill something!


Copy "Mail Order Catalogs.esp" to your data directory as well as the "Meshes" and "Textures" directories supplied in the zip file. If you have any DLC, copy the appropriate "Mail Order Catalogs DLCxx.esp" file to your data directory as well. Make sure the DLC files are in numerical order.

If you think the prices are too low, add the file "Mail Order Catalogs hardcoe.esp". It will increase all prices by the global variable of fBarterBuyBase. In the vanilla game, that's a 55% price increase. Mods like XFO (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37871) may increase it even more.

For WMX (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39651) support, copy "Mail Order Catalogs WMX.esp" to your data directory. If you want to use the WMX Modern Weapons mod, copy "Mail Order Catalogs WMX Modern Weapons.esp" to your data directory. If you have any DLC, copy the appropriate "Mail Order Catalogs DLCxx WMX.exp" file to your data directory as well. Make sure the DLC files are in numerical order.

Remove files and directories to uninstall.

Mod Order/Dependencies

This is the recommended file order for vanilla:

Mail Order Catalogs.esp
Mail Order Catalogs hardcoe.esp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs DLC01.exp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs DLC02.exp (optional file)

This is the recommended file order for WMX:

AmmoSpreadEffectFixer.esm (optional file)
WMX-ModernWeapons.esp (optional file)
WMX-DeadMoney.esp (optional file)
WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp (optional file)
WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs.esp
Mail Order Catalogs hardcoe.esp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs DLC01.exp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs DLC02.exp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs WMX.esp
Mail Order Catalogs WMX Modern Weapons.esp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs DLC01 WMX.exp (optional file)
Mail Order Catalogs DLC02 WMX.exp (optional file)


v9.0 (05.23.11)
- Added support for DLC: Honest Hearts for vanilla and WMX.

v8.0 (05.01.11)
- Total rewrite of code to make adding future DLC packs easy.
- Added melee weapons and support for WMX Modern Weapons.

v7.0 (03.07.11)
- Added support for DLC: Dead Money for vanilla and WMX.

v6.5 (02.08.11)
- Added XFO compatible versions that adds game setting fBarterBuyBase into item formula drastically increasing prices (55% in vanilla, even higher in XFO). XFO is not required.

v6.4 (02.01.11)
- Fixed bug in form list order that swapped 10mm SMG compensator and light bolt for WMX compatible version.

v6.3 (01.24.11)
- Fixed bug in rapid shipping messagebox if the 'no' option is picked.
- Fixed bug in WME third digit selection message box.

v6.2 (01.23.11)
- Fixed bug that always charged you rapid shipping price.

v6.1 (01.22.11)
- Added support for WME - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37576

v6.0 (01.19.11)
- Added rapid shipping option.

v5.1 (01.16.11)
- Added support for WMX - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39651

v5.0 (01.16.11)
- Massive (and when I say massive, I mean MASSIVE) rewrite of internals and user interface.
- Allow user to select where the merchandise is delivered to.

v4.1 (01.13.11)
- Fixed .357 HD Cylinder bug.

v4.0 (01.12.11)
- Added explosive weapons.

v3.0 (01.11.11)
- Added 10% shipping fee.
- Added Novac location.
- Added messages notifying user when order reaches customer fulfillment and when orders are shipped.

v2.0 (01.10.11)
- Changed models and textures of the kiosk and dropbox.

v1.0 (01.09.11)
- Original issue.
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matt oneil
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:35 pm

I have no co clue why you have 35 views but no responses, this looks great. Will you ever expand on it to include weapon mods or anything like that?
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:23 pm

Sounds like a nice mod but nothing for me, keep up the good work :goodjob:
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:29 pm

I have no co clue why you have 35 views but no responses, this looks great. Will you ever expand on it to include weapon mods or anything like that?

Maybe no one likes it? Which is OK because I wrote it to see if I could make it work ^_^

There are weapon mods available. Go look at the images tab.

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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:14 pm

Nice concept. Seems to work well. :tops:

Two questions: Why the time restrictions? And why no ammo? If this is supposed to be a convenience mod, then those two issues defeat that intent.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:03 am

Nice concept. Seems to work well. :tops:

Two questions: Why the time restrictions? And why no ammo? If this is supposed to be a convenience mod, then those two issues defeat that intent.

I don't want it to be too easy. Ammo should be scarce in the wasteland.

Time restrictions were so I can get the scripts running correctly the first time out. I can extend the closing time to close to 300pm.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:01 pm

Love the idea of expanding the gunrunners!

Although I'd prefer the cataloge being an item in your inventory, and they ship to any existing Majove Express Dropbox's that you've discovered!!
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Matt Terry
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:29 pm

I don't want it to be too easy. Ammo should be scarce in the wasteland.

Time restrictions were so I can get the scripts running correctly the first time out. I can extend the closing time to close to 300pm.

Ammo definately needs to be available, in my opinion,...but since you don't want it to be easy, restrict it to 50 rounds per day of each type, and at TRIPLE the going rate.

Also, the idea of sending to the drop box nearest the kiosk you order from sounds cool.

I was also thinking...why not spawn a caravan 3,000 units out from the general location of the building with the kiosk 1 or 2 days (depending on distance...goodsprings would be 2 days at least) after the order and have them walk into town, then have the caravan merchant literally walk up to the drop box and play a 'kachunk' noise as he drops the stuff in....then have him 'yell' GUNRUNNERS ORDER IN!, then wander off 3,000 units...and vanish.

Since it would be a spawned caravan so close to the town in question, you could just give them really hefty stats and good weapons/guards.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:53 am

Ammo definately needs to be available, in my opinion,...but since you don't want it to be easy, restrict it to 50 rounds per day of each type, and at TRIPLE the going rate.

Also, the idea of sending to the drop box nearest the kiosk you order from sounds cool.

I was also thinking...why not spawn a caravan 3,000 units out from the general location of the building with the kiosk 1 or 2 days (depending on distance...goodsprings would be 2 days at least) after the order and have them walk into town, then have the caravan merchant literally walk up to the drop box and play a 'kachunk' noise as he drops the stuff in....then have him 'yell' GUNRUNNERS ORDER IN!, then wander off 3,000 units...and vanish.

Since it would be a spawned caravan so close to the town in question, you could just give them really hefty stats and good weapons/guards.

Adding ammo with a big surcharge and daily limit is a good idea. I also liked the idea of an actual caravan model and animation. I may add that in a future version.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:16 pm

Do you ever get a letter saying, "We are sorry for the inconvenience but that item is currently on back order.". That is what usually happens to me in real life. :P
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:42 pm

Do you ever get a letter saying, "We are sorry for the inconvenience but that item is currently on back order.". That is what usually happens to me in real life. :P

Thats because you always order the cheap stuff :whistling: :wink:
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:54 am

Thats because you always order the cheap stuff :whistling: :wink:

TRUE! But that would still be funny, after waiting two days to get your stuff you just get a note.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:36 am

Adding ammo with a big surcharge and daily limit is a good idea. I also liked the idea of an actual caravan model and animation. I may add that in a future version.

I also really like this idea. As it did with the Mojave Express Expanded mod... putting in NPCs which fulfill roles we don't currently see, such as -actually- delivering shipments, would go a long way to enhancing the ambiance of the wasteland as a whole.

Now, I also think that there should be the occasional chance of running into a caravan delivering someone -ELSE's- shipment... and having the opportunity to wipe them out and -take- it...

... but that's just me... >.>

Anyways, awesome work!

It's a lot of fun to play with.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:33 am

I also really like this idea. As it did with the Mojave Express Expanded mod... putting in NPCs which fulfill roles we don't currently see, such as -actually- delivering shipments, would go a long way to enhancing the ambiance of the wasteland as a whole.

Now, I also think that there should be the occasional chance of running into a caravan delivering someone -ELSE's- shipment... and having the opportunity to wipe them out and -take- it...

... but that's just me... >.>

Anyways, awesome work!

It's a lot of fun to play with.

Good luck stealing it though... I think I read somewhere that Gun Runner shipments explode if stolen. Would be interesting to see though, perhaps I'll go reverse pickpocket a grenade onto a brahmin to test it out :D
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David Chambers
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:07 pm

v3 (01.11.11) aka version "If I find you I'm gonna eat your spleen."
- Added 10% shipping fee
- Added Novac location
- Added messages notifying user when order reaches customer fulfillment and when orders are shipped
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noa zarfati
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:42 am

v4 (01.12.11) aka version "It's ghouls I tell ya. Religious ghouls in rockets looking for a land to call their own."
- Added explosive weapons

I now have to decide about ammo. If I add it, it will be in small amounts. If not, I'll probably start working on a WME compatible version (with a WMX version to come when Antistar is done).
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:23 pm

I'm jumping on the bandwagon for the ammo addition :gun:
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:33 pm

From the feedback I've been getting it's about 50/50. Half want the option and the other half like running out of bullets in the middle of a gunfight :tongue:
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:15 am

You can always add an options menu or another esp. Or just make the mod for yourself and stop listening to other people's needs. You're the kind one releasing your mod, after all. But what your really need to do is...LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. You know it to be true, brah.

Is it sad that I've never heard of the gun runners? Guess I need to download this and get to playing.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:54 am

An options menu would be very shaggadelic
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Red Sauce
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:54 pm

v4.1 (01.13.11) aka version "Lets keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves like smooth little babies."
- Fixed .357 HD Cylinder bug

Right now I'm working on a major rewrite of the vendor script. The mod would be renamed as it would include all classes of weapons: guns and explosives from Gun Runners, energy weapons from Van Graff, and melee weapons from... I dunno (anyone know if there's a vendor who deals primarily in melee weapons? Maybe Jacobstown with all those SM and NK would be appropriate?).

Part of the rewrite is so it will be easier to create WME/WMX versions.

The interface would be heavily streamlined as per a post by Antistar. Part of the download would be a PDF file. You'd print out the file which has the name of every item and a four digit code. The message menu would ask you for the item destination and the code and a final message box would pop up with a "You have selected a xxxx. Are you sure?". I'm hoping to begin testing tonight.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:37 pm

v4.1 (01.13.11) aka version "Lets keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves like smooth little babies."
- Fixed .357 HD Cylinder bug

Right now I'm working on a major rewrite of the vendor script. The mod would be renamed as it would include all classes of weapons: guns and explosives from Gun Runners, energy weapons from Van Graff, and melee weapons from... I dunno (anyone know if there's a vendor who deals primarily in melee weapons? Maybe Jacobstown with all those SM and NK would be appropriate?).

Part of the rewrite is so it will be easier to create WME/WMX versions.

The interface would be heavily streamlined as per a post by Antistar. Part of the download would be a PDF file. You'd print out the file which has the name of every item and a four digit code. The message menu would ask you for the item destination and the code and a final message box would pop up with a "You have selected a xxxx. Are you sure?". I'm hoping to begin testing tonight.

Rather than adding a PDF file... wouldn't it be possible to actually make an in-game note, somehow?

I mean, I'm not sure what the maximum character limit or length is on a note... but surely it would be easier than me trying to alt-tab every time I want to purchase something, no? Either way, it definitely sounds interesting. I'm very curious to see how this will all work out in the end.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:28 pm

Rather than adding a PDF file... wouldn't it be possible to actually make an in-game note, somehow?

I mean, I'm not sure what the maximum character limit or length is on a note... but surely it would be easier than me trying to alt-tab every time I want to purchase something, no? Either way, it definitely sounds interesting. I'm very curious to see how this will all work out in the end.

I could do both. Just let me get the thing working first :)

You could always print the PDF and keep it on your desk.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:30 pm

What? Do you think the post-war American Army actually -pays- me enough to operate an illegally salvaged RobCo Series II three-color, print-type output accessory!?



Actually, I kind've forgot about a printer!

But still, having it in-game... where very careless folks like me couldn't lose it... as -well- as in a PDF file or some sort of thing such as that? Would be great. I'm sure I'd be happy no matter how you set it up. In fact, I'm just overall rather pleased with the mod. I see no reason to worry over something so trivial as -that-, when it's obvious that you've got everything perfectly in hand.

So don't mind me.

I'll just be over here... polishing my mini-nukes...
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:08 pm

I've been meeting resistance to this idea at the Nexus too. May leave the interface alone and just deal with the complexity. Argh.
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Miranda Taylor
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