Has there been progress made on the Gunner Faction, and Super Mutant Faction/endings?
Has there been progress made on the Gunner Faction, and Super Mutant Faction/endings?
Progress by who?
Not quite clear what you're asking here. Neither of them are a joinable faction.
why are you assuming i made this up? there more endings then those listed so far.
Because you are? Both groups are automatically hostile to the player with no way to join them and no quests involving them that don't involve killing them.
Where's your evidence?
Fact is, some people have been playing this game so much that such 'questlines' would have been found by now. Heck, people are already delving into the game files, which would have turned them up.
Everyone plays there game differently.
28 gig of files code to explore good luck going through all the code(i am animator/game creator).
why would i want to ruin the other 2 endings amongst others that maybe are available..in regards to the gunner faction, it starts with clothing and level you reach.
Again, I ask for your evidence that both factions are joinable. But there isn't any, is there?
Bet you haven't provided your evidence for your earlier -locked- thread claiming DLC in December and a multiplayer addon either.
Also, we've heard stuff like this before. Secret cities populated by Dwarves in Skyrim, Bigfoot in Fallout 3, secret vehicles in New Vegas etc.
Ah, over reached with the Super Mutants didn't you, had you just gone with a supposed ability to join the Gunners you might have got someone to believe you..........sad really .
First you can banned from theses forums by providing such information as i was told by a admin earlier. not going to provide you with anything, i have nothing to prove to you or anyone else, go play the game, explore, have fun maybe you mite find what i did and others have. I will not ruin this wonderful peace of art, i will enjoy it.
Deventarn maybe if you stoped posting so much to earn such a rank and started playing more you mite find it yourself sir, good luck and thank you for your criticism and input. i remain unaffected by it
to all those playing there 3 other endings maybe more (peaceful ending, gunner ending and missions, Super Mutant missions and ending maybe).
So post it in the spoiler section, if you're telling the truth.
No, you can be banned for provided false and hoax information, o yeah, just hung yourself by your own petard there. Admitting your claims are false. Put it in spioiler tags if you like. Leaked info gets your banned, if it's in game now, revealing the info isn't a leak and it's allowed as long as you don't spoil it for those that don't want it.
Oh no, such a rank after seven years here. Shock, horror. Also, 114hrs so far in game. I also have this thing called work to worry about.
I have 221 hours across 3 playthroughs and see no mention of these endings.
I've also done every quest and discovered every location twice now.
Let him -attempt- to troll.
Has that been confirmed anywhere (consider me extremely doubtful), I've often read of the desire to have the ability to become a ghoul or Super Mutant in the Fallout games......is this was possible I'd of expected to have heard about it before now.