If the Gunners are a Mercenary Unit that takes any contract to do anything, then why do they attack you on site? That defeats the purpose of being a Mercenary Unit. Take Gunners Plaza. If you walk up to it you are automatically attacked. If anything, when you get to the Gunners plaza there should be dialog options as the gunners would like to know why you are here. Are you here to hire them for a contract? Are you here to join them? Are you just passing by? I understand that the Black Talons would attack you in FO3 but, when you looted their bodies you found a contract on them stating that there was a contract out on you, so that is understandable. Here, I've yet to find a contract on them that saying someone has taking out a contract on me. I mean, whats the point of being a Mercenary unit if you kill all your potential employers? May as well have just made the gunners into raiders. What does everyone else think of the Gunners in game?