Now, I think siege tech is perfectly acceptable - ballistae and possibly cannons on ships, but nothing more.
I think I recall seeing wooden ruin or catapults and ballistaes outside of abandon castle at Daggerfall. I would not mind seeing those things again.
Competition between rival factions would actually, I would argue, accelerate technological development, as everybody's racing to have the best gear so they can emerge on top. See the Cold War and what it did for nuclear arms development (not a positive change, but still a change).
It usually lead to who have the most warriors/mages/tricks that would put the faction to their advantage; what works work. This is assuming that the faction have many alternate to fall back to. Having "technological development" to a point of making gun isn't what I would call a reason for its existance, as the alternates already exist. Plus, the nuclear arms of the Cold War isn't really a good point in "technological progress". Its more of a "Which country can bankrupt the other country by wasting all their money on armament First".
Actually, the most likely way I would see for gunpowder technology to enter the Elder Scrolls games would be through the Orcs. They've already been shown to have less aptitude in general for magic (with a few exceptions), and I'm sure that there are those in High Rock who would take advantage of the political strife to try to win back "their" territory. The Orcs have already been shown to be talented craftsmen, and the development of even primitive, rough guns/cannons would give them an advantage against invading armies.
Not really. One, Orc are not that intelligent to figure out that putting a little medal in a pipe and it goes boom works. Two, they are more of frontline warriors and very good at it. They are not going to wuss out and stay in the backline. Three, its been mention time and time again that magic isn't always a ticket to victory in battle, but it helps. Four, their craftsmanship focuses and needed on their warriors as they need to have an edge fighting against the Redguards and the Nords in both sides; wasn't any recallment on making guns/cannons. Ballista and catapult, maybe, but not firearms.
*edit* the only gun I would have in TES is by brining the cross bow back from Morrowind. I can't remeber what they used in Daggerfall, but I want the cross bow back. That would be the only acceptable gun in TES.
If ya get to the end of Daggerfall....
Spoiler Its at Aetherius. A (giant) crossbow was use as a puzzle and a riddle to Sheogorath's riddle.
@Hadez- So your solution to the lack of variety is to not include a greater variety of weapons? Also, I use blunts about as often as I use blades, and I'm certain I'm not the only one.
I want to buy spears, morning stars, throwables, and a crossbow.
@Davor- I s'pose we should agree to disagree. I liked the guns in Fable 2 and 3, and I think whether or not the presence of guns in an RPG is "crap" is based entirely on how it's implemented. Also, BTW, a crossbow really isn't a gun

The other RPG that uses guns in their game are good at it because it fit quite well to their theme (namely Deus Ex, Fallout, Final Fantasy 7). Elder Scroll isn't one as its, to me, a magic and sword rpg.