The only Fallout I played before NV was Fallout 3. I loved it, it was brilliant, but I only played through the main quest (with some side quests) mostly because I wasn't into RPG back then. Dragon Age and ME however changed it.

I have only just finished the Repconn (or so) quest where I send a bunch of num nucks to space with their rockets. ( I bet I will find their rockets in the ground later in the game

I'm finding it hard to kill enemies, mostly I'm using a lot of ammo (with guns like Varmint and 9/10m) and it takes like 10 bullets an enemy while they are spreading their fire at me and I have to use a lot of aid. I was wondering, what weapons counts as good, and where can I find them in the game, without going far in the main quest? I'm currently exploring South (below Nipton and Nojvac) but I haven't found any good weapons.
I however have Big Boomer which is apparently unique, and I can sell it for around 1.4k! Don't know if it's worth it, I don't have much ammo in it. I found in Nipton a gun called "That Gun" costs 900 caps. Is it worth buying it?