I'm hoping This Machine comes back. Along with the .45 Auto and .45 Submachine gun. Then again, the Gun Runners are nowhere near Boston. (As far as I know), so I don't think they'll make an appearance.
.45 Weapons will probably be in a DLC. The best you're probably going to get is a variant of the Battle Rifle, which is non-Unique version of This Machine. Bethesda is looking like they prefer making weapons that haven't been seen before / Re-designing old classics rather than bringing back any varieties we've seen before, and not likely much from New Vegas.
Wait, did the battle rifle have a clip or was it a magazine?
One of the components of the laser musket in F4 looks as if it can be used to create the Tesla Cannon from F3.
The .45 weapons weren't made by Gun Runners and pretty sure I saw at least the .45 smg in the e3 footage
It was a M1 clone in NV so clip. I think this M14 lookalike from the trailer (which is why I'm guessing youre asking) is going to be a new gun but who knows.... could end up just being a weapon mod.
I myself am hoping for some of NV's assault weapons such as the assault carbine and the Marksmans Rifle. They look sooooo much better than this current Assault rifle that looks like it was made from parts from a raided WWI museum. So ugly.
Technically speaking, the rifle has a non-detachable magazine that is loaded with a clip (you just have to make sure your thumb isn't in the way when the bolt slams forward).
Ahh ok I didn't remember it being a clip as well. I only remembered This Machine, which I thought was a special variant and the only one with a clip
We know nothing about .45 weapons except that there is .45 ammo in the game; the Pipe Rifle looks like it can be modded to receive .45 instead of .38 ammunition.
I'm with you on the Gauss Rifle, though. I'm hoping we can even modify it into a Gauss Pistol.
I loved the Battle Rifle in New Vegas due to the reloading sound.
In the E3 footage, they go over one Pipe Rifle in the Pipboy menu and it's taking https://youtu.be/D5esyZPt5Jo?t=15m58s. Then, during the crafting demo the Pipe Rifle he's working on is taking https://youtu.be/D5esyZPt5Jo?t=27m35s. Had to double check, so I figured I might as well provide links.
im rather hoping for stuff like the zap glove, ballistic fist, sishkebab, lever action rifles, revolvers and the such more exotic/rustic weapons
They're both marked as Pipe Rifles, though, and one of the mod slots during the crafting montage was a receiver. The barrel is literally a pipe, so I think the gun doesn't really care too much about what gets shot out of it.
I'm hoping pistols are much more useful this time around. I always liked the look of some of the pistols and they would have made a perfect weapon to use if you're playing a cowboy type character. But since they were simply categorized under "guns" or "small guns" there was never anything special about them when comparing them to any other weapon choice. With the gunslinger perk, hopefully this makes it so that being really skilled with a pistol will be much better than if you are unskilled with another weapon type.
I want to see a return of the antimateriel rifle (or at least put a long action rifle in its place), Thompson, 1911, Marksman carbine, bowie knife, spiked knuckles, flare gun, grenade rifle, .44, .357 and .45-70 revolvers and lever actions. Otherwise send me on a transport back to the Mojave so I can tap into that Gunrunner's supply chain.
EDIT: oh, and all craftable explosives from New Vegas...with emphasis on Fat Mines, MFC Clusters, Satchel Charges, and Nuka Nades (from NV and FO3).
Seems like Bethesda is going more in the direction of making weapons that look like they have been made after the war. Also while keeping weapons from the diverged timeline. While I wouldn't mind a marksman carbine(with a scope that doesnt zoom in like it did), i doubt we will see those kinds of weapons. They are more from our timeline than the fallout timeline. And they just dont really fit.
There is absolutely nothing to keep post timeline split weapons out of FO. Although there are a very few post split weapon designs I've seen. Either way, they would "fit" just fine, and they were introduced in New Vegas; and an entire industry cropped up in the West that built new weapons from pre-war schematics. Anyway, many weapons you see today have their initial designs in the first half of the 20th century or earlier.
See I cant agree, this is a retro-futuristic world. When I see what is just a copied M4 among other weapons, it just ruins it for me. Personally I like the way they are going, with more weapons having a look that there has been a war and they are pretty much making new weapons. People hate on the new assualt rifle but it fits perfectly in the game, and the pipe rifle does as well.
I dont see bethesda adding any modern day weapons or even weapons from before. Maybe a wasteland revolver and lever-action, but nothing more. If obsidian do another fallout iimagine they would add even more than they did last time, as it seems people are just obsessed with weapons from our timeline and from the past. Which is wierd, because you are playing a retro-futuristic game. But thats just my opinion, and i know a lot of people will disagree, but hey, its the internet after all.
And even the previous fallouts had weapons like the g11 and a P90.