Guns/Melee Hybrid?

Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:32 pm

Is it possible to make a guns/melee hybrid that is also a skill junky? in order to do it I need high intelligence, strength, agility, luck, and endurance. Its a tall order. is it even possible?

Edit: I'd prefer it with those 5 special stats high for these reasons
STR: melee weapons this is basically a requirement
AGI: not sure how necessary this is, but faster movespeed is always nice, and it offers some pretty nifty perks
LCK: This one is mainly for criticals, but again, nice perks and amazing source of income from the casinos
INT: come on do i even need to explain this one?
END: an implant for each stat as well as nice perks and extra health

Edit#2: really don't care about energy weapons or explosives. unarmed might be nice but I would prefer melee
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Post » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:34 am

Well not including your SPECIAL it is more than possible to have them both be maxed out. If you really wanted you could have gun, energy weapons, unarmed, and melee maxed out. Provided you have the DLC's.

Well luck wouldn't be as important as the others. You could have 1 endurance, but you would have low health. you could also have 1 perception making your compass very useless.

So maybe

S - 8
P - 2
E - 4
C - 1
I - 8
A - 9
L - 8

Implants could raise all those an additional point, and 8 strength should cover guns.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:48 am

Possible if you have DLCs, certainly. Possible without DLCs too, I guess, if you're economical about skill point placements, and if you limit yourself to low Barter.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:46 am

From a skill point allocation it is more then doable. I always run two combat skills. However, from a game play perspective melee just does not bring much to the table. I even ran a character like that for a while. But guns have too many powerful options up close. Vances 9MM with HP and Grunt or the Riot Shotgun with magnum will blow out all melee weapons. In the end melee was just pointless....

Except to pick up the Cowboy perk!

Edit: Explosives rolls very nicely with Guns. My favorite combo.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:01 pm

If I maxed out all of the combat skills, then yes, specializing in only two combat skills is possible.
I got most gun perks and melee/unarmed perks, plus, a few Energy Weapon perks.
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