So to be brief, I will outline my plan for a Guns overhaul, and see what can be implemented, and what you people think of it.
The "Military Guns" selection is composed of four tiers, and 5 categories.
The five categories are:
1.) Automatic Pistols - These weapons are a one handed weapons category, that is capable of being suppressed and fires pistol ammunition. Some tiers include fully automatic pistols, or assault pistols.
2.) Submachine guns- These weapons are a two-handed weapons category, with some capable of being suppressed and firing pistol ammunition.
3.) PDW (Personal Defense Weapon)- These weapons are two handed, possess the same weight as an SMG, though the fire intermediate rifle cartridges, such as a 5.56 round and are suppressible.
4.) Carbine- These Weapons are two handed, and fall somewhere in between a full sized rifle and PDW in terms of weight. They can accept all mods a rifle can, and are capable of being suppressed, though they have a slightly higher spread then a full sized rifle and less range, they do the same damage. Some tiers possess a masterkey and M203 variant.
5.) Assault Rifle- These weapons are two handed, and set the standard for weight, damage and spread. They fire fully automatic intermediate rifle cartridges, and are more accurate than a carbine, though they are not suppressible. The lore reasoning behind this is that rifling processes of the mid 21st century and ammo manufacturing made it impractical for full sized infantry rifles to be suppressed. Some tiers possess a masterkey and M203 variant.
6.) DMR/ Battle Rifle (Designated Marksman Rifle)- A designated Marksman Rifle is a weapon capable of laying down rapid, accurate semi automatic fire at mid to more long ranges, however, they lack the range and damage of a dedicated sniper rifle or anti material rifle despite firing full sized rifle rounds, such as a .308 or 7.62 mm round. In terms of weight, they are the same as a rifle. Some tiers possess a suppressible variant for missions that require subtlety or infiltration.
6.) LMG (Light Machine Gun) or GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun)- Designed for suppressive fire at ranged and at close quarters, These guns are the heaviest, chew the most ammo, and degrade the fastest. They fire either full sized rifle cartridges or intermediate, and require a minimum amount of strength to use effectively and have a uncontrollably high spread when untrained. However, in the hands of a master machine-gunner, these weapons are deadly.
Alright, now that we've got the Definitions out of the way, we can start on the tiers.
Tier 1: World War II American Weapons
These weapons are typically issued to rear line NCR Troops, caravans, tribals and merchants at low levels.
1.) Pistol: 9mm Pistol (Browning Hi Power)
2.) SMG: 9mm SMG (M3 Grease Gun)
3.) PDW: .22 SMG (American 180)
4.) Rifle: Battle Rifle (M1 Garand)
5.) Carbine: Battle Carbine (M1 Carbine)
6.) DMR: Hunting Rifle
7.) LMG: Automatic Rifle (Browning Automatic Rifle)
Tier two: Cold War Era Weapons
These weapons are utilized by Regular NCR Troops, Legionares, as well as raiders, powder gangers, and gunslingers, as well as semi professional mercenary companies. This tier also contains "Guerrilla" Rifles, which are unique in that they can repair one another without the need of the jury rigging perk and all use .308 (7.62mm) rounds universally, something that the "Service" Series of rifles cannot do.
1.) Pistol/Auto Pistol:
Service: .45 Auto Pistol Guerrilla: TT33 Torkarev
MAC-10 Skorpion
2.) SMG:
Service: .45 Auto SMG Guerrilla: PPSHK
3.) PDW:
Service: Service PDW (Colt Commando) Guerrilla: AK74U Carbine
4.) Carbine:
Service: Service Carbine (M4A1 Carbine) Guerrilla: AK74U Carbine
5.) Assault Rifle:
Service: Service Rifle (M16A1) Guerrilla: AK-74
Grenadier Rifle (Unique M203 Variant) AK-74 M203
Specialist Rifle (Unique Masterkey Variant) AK-74 Special
6.) DMR:
Service: Accurized M14 Rifle Guerrilla: SVD Dragunov
Service: GPMG (m60-ish model) Guerrilla: RPK-74
Tier 3: Sino-American War Weapons
Tier 3 Weapons are issued to Veteran NCR troops and legionaries, as well as high level fiends and mercenary enforcers. Chinese weapons (QBZ-62- Some of the variants of these weapons come from this mod: http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=16527 ) are unique in as much that they use an "Adaptive" Combat Rifle system, which allows rifles to repair one another without jury rigging and can be switched between variants via a modding kit in your inventory. However, they lack a masterkey or m203 variant. R90 weapons, aka the "Assault Rifle" from fallout 3, have undergone a radical redesign as the HK33 rifle family. R90 Weapons can be repaired by any member of its family without jury rigging, and it has both a grenadier and masterkey variant.
American: 10mm Pistol Chinese: Type-90
American: 10 mm SMG Chinese: PP2000
3.) PDW:
American: R110 PDW (HK53) Chinese: Type-93B (P90)
4.)Assault Rifle:
American: R90 (HK33) Chinese: Type-93A
American: R90S/G1 Chinese: Type-93 LSW
6.) LMG
American: R70 (HK13 LSW) Chinese: Type-93 LSW
Tier 4: Pre Nuke Prototypes
This tier contains the rare Zealotee ACR, produced by General Chase R&D. This rifle is actually based of the magpull masada, and was produced in limited numbers for special forces units that needed to change roles quickly while infiltrating enemy territory or conducting covert ops via modding kit in the soldier's inventory. The soldier can also apply a cammo covering for different environments. The ACR can be switched from PDW to Carbine, Rifle, LMG and DMR, each fitting the specific play style and role of the player. It is unique in as much that it can accept a suppressor, allowing its users to be more subtle in combat situations. Being universal in nature, Jury rigging is not required.
12.7mm Pistol
2.) SMG
12.7mm SMG
3.) PDW
CQB ACR (10 inch barrel)
4.) Carbine
Carbine ACR (14.5 inch barrel)
5.) Rifle
Assault ACR (18.5 inch barrel)
6.) DMR/Battle Rifle
Battle ACR (18.5 Inch barrel; fires 7.62 MM Round)
7.) LMG
LSW ACR (18.5 inch barrel; Drum magazine; higher firing rate)