I love the Guns Specialist the most and I'm thinking about making the "Ultimate Guns Specialist". I haven't played the game in so long that I've forgotten everything though, about the usefulness of perks, the SPECIAL and all that good stuff.
I want to make the most perfect character I can, getting all the skill books, and maximizing my characters potential so he can be an ultimate badass. I want the main focus to be on guns (any and all) but if possible I'd like to maximize all types of combat (second would be heavy weapons/energy weapons maybe with explosives, and if possible as a last resortI could add melee and unarmed though I won't probably use them often as I've made two separate builds that were not so fun), Gun builds are my favourite. That way I can be good at everything and change my playstyle through a single game where I complete everything.
I did this in Fallout 3 where I managed to get an almost perfect character, I maximized my SPECIAL so it was all 10 and I hunted high and low and found all the skill books and managed to eventually get 100 in every skill. Then I explored the game inside out and did everything. It was my favourite playstyle in the end because I could change on the fly and enjoy the game different ways in the same playthrough, without tediously having to replay the same quests again.
Anyway, my problem is that I'm so stale with the game I cannot make a character to save myself. I was wandering if there were any Gun Specialist Build/Perfect character builds for New Vegas. I searched on Google but found barely anything useful.
Is there like a Guide/Build I can use to make an awesome gun specialist/perfect character? I want to play as a good character and try to be the hero and help people as much as I can.
What Perks do I take? What about my SPECIAL? What Traits should I take?
I will have all the DLC when I make this character and I will probably be playing on Very Hard with hardcoe on as I want the challenge.
Thanks for the help.