This game takes place 200 years (or is it 300? I forget, but either way its a while) in the future from Oblivion. And as an archeology major I'm sure guns would have been developed by this time. I'm not saying guns should be in the game. But it is a very plausible scenario. If done right I honestly could see it. As time progresses, technology changes, that's how the world works, at some point in the time line there will be more advanced technology, maybe not this game but eventually.
Oh I'll just throw a dart and take this post.
Hmm, how long has that civilization been around? How relative is 200 years in the history of that land? If one has such great magics, why would one need guns? (I suppose so other non-magical folks could getter done! ). How does your archeology major transfer to the Elderscrolls fantasy setting? OK... I'll stop there...
Let's take the:
1)Dwemer: How about some sort of steampunk rifle, or repeating rifle? Common, big, clunky, completely unwieldy and too big to move....but still fits the gun category? Eh? LIke walking into a museum and seeing this relic....maybe even able to fire a round or two!
2) Crazy inventor: Well, see, there's this inventor dude whom you stumble across (or stumbles across you) who is running for his deer life! He has a this new fangled contraption that looks like a pipe with a flame at one end. He turns to shoot an overpowered mountain lion...and KaBlam! It blows up in his face, and he dies :dead:

So sad, he had the designs in his head....never wrote them down...and now the prototype...gone! See, there's a gun there!
3) Laser Guns! Now, before you poo-poo this, hear me out! A laser is essentially just photons zipping along a directed path. A beam of high energy, right? Well....what is the schlock..shock spell? A beam of directed high energy! OK, so you contain that beam...along a stick that can be head horizontally, and BINGO! It's a laser gun!!!! :celebration: :intergalactic:
Erm...ya, but I still like my bow better

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming