» Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:15 pm
I'm only opposed to guns being in Skyrim. It's supposed to be Conan-esque low-fantasy, low-technology blood-and-guts jaunt through a rugged land where the men are men and so are the women. It's the savage dark age of Tamriel, not really a fecund ground for technological advancement. Furthermore, if they were ever to introduce guns, muskets would still be far too advanced; they'd have be either matchlocks or arquebuses, possibly even those horrible old pole-mounted handcannons.
That being said, I'm there a few common responses to this topic that I'd like to paraphrase then address:
"No! No!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!111!!!!11!!!one!!!!1!!! Guns will ruin TES! It's medieval fantasy, not COD!!!"
This just makes me bristle because it's this sort of attitude encourages the generic Tolkien-borrowing-malaise that we were spoon-fed in Oblivion.
"Everybody can use magic in TES; there's no need for guns".
No. Everybody can fling the magical equivalent of a burning ember into people's faces. Sure that will smart, but it hardly compares to having a lead ball rip through your abdomen. Powerful spells take a long time to learn (recall: how long did it take your character to reach a level in Destruction were you could cast one-hitter spells), whereas literally every podunk village doofus could be taught, quickly and at low cost, how to handle a gun and shoot (relatively) straight. Magic is great, sure, but it would be more cost effective for a military campaign to spend their resources teaching a whole battalion of bumpkins how to shoot than to invest in the costly education/sponsorship of a handful of mages.
Furthermore, Redguards hate magic, but love killing dudes. I should think they might see their way towards investing in boomstick technology.
"This is Nirn, not Earth. The same rules don't apply/development wouldn't proceed along the same lines"
And yet not only have humans evolved, but they've developed cultures that are remarkably similar to those found on Earth. Clearly, there are parallels. Furthermore, any society capable of producing quality steel has the appropriate skill-set and technical savoir-faire to produce some kind of firearms. Even if gun powder is somehow impossible, there's always steam power.
TL;DR: No guns in Skyrim. Not opposed to some kind of horribly primitive firearm in a future game.