Why have a "survival" mode and cooking mechanics but no hardcoe mode?
Why have a "survival" mode and cooking mechanics but no hardcoe mode?
Probably just wishful thinking, but maybe they'll add "hardcoe" mode with one of the DLCs.
Dunno,they should have changed it to Legendary,but I guess cause they do lots of damamge and you have to survive thier bullets.
The cooking is taken from Skyrim though so you can actually roleplay hardcoe mode. Which i think is abit more cool if you can swing that wa, makes it abit more realistic that you yourself control when you eat, drink and sleep and are not told by the game when to do it. I wouldn't be surprised if its added in a patch, and if its not there will atleast be a few mods that does the same thing.
Lack of hardcoe mode I feel is the biggest letdown of the game so far. I'll still buy it, but doubt I'll get completely immersed in it as I did vanilla FNV.
Wouldn't be roleplay then, it'd be pretend.
I rarely like to use my Stimpacks so I would prefer to snack my way to good health. I'm stingy like that.
I...just...wat?...you guys...my brain...
Roleplaying in this context will give you some in-game feedback or consequences.
Pretending you just make stuff up and the game will not support it or show it in any way, shape or form.
Just try and roleplay you are a shop owner in Skyrim, or you are a master lute player.
I got a question-- *lowers voice*
For those that watched all the leaks, do we know if we still join every faction, like in Skyrim?
Well, they did state somewhere.. that they were going to be "adding improvements" to the game along the way. So there's still a chance that down the road we may see an official hardcoe/survival mode.
I hate all this wording.. it's just backwards. NV's "hardcoe mode" was actually a survival mode with nothing naturally hardcoe about it. .. Now, F4's "Survival mode" is actually just a hardcoe mode with no survival to it. It makes no sense.
When the hardcoe mode is in place you are limited by its way of function. When you roleplay needs for a character you can do so much more. It will only give you debuffs and kill you anyway, that is what hardcoe mode does. Not exactly fancy and fun stuff, right?
Sure bro, tell yourself whatever you need to to sleep at night. No one here WANTS to argue about Semantics.
technically u can own a shop on Skyrim. sooo u can roll play that.
That "limit" is the motivation though. Without the risk of debuffs or death, without the risk of anything happening, what is the drive to fulfill a characters when no such needs actually exist?
You have a point, but to me it takes me out of the game and does not insert myself in it. So i much prefer to make it my own, then play it by rules. That said if there ever is a hardcoe mode or a mod that does it really well. I will certainly try it at some point. The only one i ever really liked was iNeed in Skyrim, it had the right balance and lots of options to do with it.
Let's see...if eating X item gives you +15 AP for the next hour...is cooking worth it? What if it offers Radiation Resistance? Or Damage Resistance? Or adds 25% to your Hit Points for an hour? Does that make it worth it? What if those stack? Does that make cooking, eating and drinking worth doing? Sound like it just became more than RP to me.
the whole cooking can end up as the base of a mod like the ones from skyrim
I would suggest that if the only reason you "role play" is to avoid the threat of punishment you might be doing it wrong.