If you may not know me, let me introduce myself, I'm Slystyle5 from the HNT hungarian clan. I've been playing Crysis 2's multiplayer since it got released. I play actively and yesterday ramzkeeper from the borz clan said that me and the whole HNT clan are cheaters. He said he has video footage of it too, what I did not believed until I saw it. He uploaded it to youtube. Here's the link:
Someone hacked my account like they did it with World_Peace's too. Don't ask me how, but it can be done. There are tons of videos I recorded the past months, those can be proof that I never used any kind of cheats/hacks. Here's my channel:
I asked my brother, who's working at a local ISP where we have our connection about my IP, he said we have a fix IP. So I'm asking all server admins, if they see "me" cheat, save the IP from the rcon before you would kick/ban. Check the IP's whereabouts and if you can, check the ISP's name too. As for my IP, I won't show it to public, but if you have got the cheater's IP, than I'm willing to show it in private. This could clarify my name.
I hope you'll help me out with this.
Best regards: Slystyle5