» Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:11 am
I do the same, never play on multiplayer until ea can patch theis ****, in 9 match today only one can be played with fun, all others at least one cheaters; some vanish (i see with infrared), some send u granate from coutry to coutry, some can qucik watch in exact direction where u came also if full steath with all silent stuffs, other than shot to one and istantanelly aim u, so tell me one good reson to play in this way.
I finish the campaign if ea don't patch it, well last one title than i bougth from they.
Unacceptalble and unfair also if someone can see than i came with full stealth and secret agent equipped, with all sileced weapon, all useless stuff if somone can see on screen a bigger name with distance.
But all this pathetic kids can't go and play an old arcade where the only one thing to do is push a button ?
Cheaters are wrost than pirates coz ea with pirate lose one sell with cheaters ea lost a lot of unhappy customers than want to play a fair game.
Why don't add also on dead replay a screenshot of the user than kill u ? easy u can see all than are on his graphical interface (this for the hack info on head of players)
In anycase multiplayer game in this state are sad, i think they need to focus more and qucik on this cheat/hack before all other or they lost a lot of players.