I don't know about scripts, but for players with things like ~ and ` in their names, just alt tab, copy the symbol, then paste it into console and go forth with the kicking. It worked against one for me lol
Sometimes the problem is the way the game parses html code, the names don't actually have the symbol but have the html code for the symbol, the game recognises and translates this into the symbol but the ingame console can not always.
Hmm I understand, I've only come across one hacker using ~ and that was my simple players work around to still kick lol, too bad if it can't always work depending on how their name contains the symbols
Sometimes the problem is the way the game parses html code, the names don't actually have the symbol but have the html code for the symbol, the game recognises and translates this into the symbol but the ingame console can not always. That's right, and copy and paste WILL NOT work with these. The code must be broken and the decoded name can then be copied and pasted. I will provide the decoding services to reputable admins.
The players with the `` in their names, i tab their name press enter but nothing happens, i'll try this alt tab idea next time mentioned by Interceptor.