Hackers...... so many already!!!!

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:43 am

So EA you said these problems with the hacks would be sorted and duly banned from playing, well after the catastrophy that is multiplayer and the shananigans of spending 2 hours finding a stable server, I now find that most of the stable servers are populated with **** Bots and hackers...

Seriously WTF are you guys doing ??? cos it looks like you are all sitting about with your thumbs up your arse's, and your head 's in the sand thinking ..... has it all gone away yet !!!!!

I dont know about anyone else but i try to spend my money on worthwhile items and or software for my PC as i dont NOT have cash falling out of my arse, and if an item is not working correctly i take it back ASAP for a refund....
or for you poor souls that are in the same boat as me, send EA an email cos steam WILL NOT do a thing about it, in fact they have shutdown their refund department till this blows over because of this atrocity of a game , so i have had to get the credit card company to refund the game instead under the grounds that I have been sold a fault/incomplete product.

OK rant over and back to the point of this post :), I have no doubt that this game will end up being a decent enough game but until they implement Bans/GFX fix's and 1001 other things to fix the general state of the game... I will not be participating in this fiasco that is CRYTEK's abomination of a game.

What a shame :( it could have been so much !!!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:04 am

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Bedford White
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:15 am

rofl i just logged into another server that had 15 hackers going at the same time lol what a joke this game is ... seriously are you guys at CRYTEK telling me you cannot make a simple program to detect a hack sequence, i just went onto another forum and QQed about this and one of the guys said its so simple to make a code to counter/detect this!!
i asked him how he knows this ... his response was "I make hacks like this in the first place, so i know they are easily countered :P"
i just cant believe ppl are so brazen about this kind of crap, dont they realise they are ruining anolmost ruined game by doing this ???
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:10 pm

rofl i just logged into another server that had 15 hackers going at the same time lol what a joke this game is ... seriously are you guys at CRYTEK telling me you cannot make a simple program to detect a hack sequence, i just went onto another forum and QQed about this and one of the guys said its so simple to make a code to counter/detect this!!
i asked him how he knows this ... his response was "I make hacks like this in the first place, so i know they are easily countered :P"
i just cant believe ppl are so brazen about this kind of crap, dont they realise they are ruining anolmost ruined game by doing this ???
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