Picture the scene, you've entered a raider infested building, but you are very confident of your sneaking skills. You see a turret on an upper floor, and an idea enters your head....you have the turret override program disk found at some earlier point, so you slowly make your way up to it, deftly avoiding mines, traps and more raiders in hopes that there's a terminal for it. BINGO, you see it, confirmed by the wire between them. YESSSS.....I can finally put this holodisk to good use.
Unfortunately, naturally, there's a raider or two near it. But you are sure you can approach and tap the keys quietly enough to use it. Slowly...slowly...*Floor creaks* Yikes, it's an old building though, think I got away with that, plenty of noises like that in here.
"Use Terminal"...phew, got it. *TAP*
"Wha-----" you hear from the raider just as the terminal screen pops up. Oh crap, did she see me, AND DID I JUST STAND UP?! Nevermind, let's hack this quickly.
Okay, done *Exit*
.....they say as the terminal instructed my character to fully stand up for some reason right in front of them. So in my infinite wisdom, in raider infested buildings, I think it's a good idea to stand up before and after using terminals ruining my perfect stealth run? Wonderful.
I have to say I really don't like the way you now access terminals, with the animation of the character moving towards it, and what can result from that.