Exiting out and then waiting for that command prompt screen adds quite possibly 5 seconds to the whole thing. Besides, considering we're cheating when we do that, it's well deserved I'd say.
As for the hacking mini-game itself, it's confusing at first, but with high science skills, combined with a bit of logic, it get's pretty easy, IMO.
Will someone please explain the hacking thing to me, maybe I am a bit dumb but I dont understand how it works ...... many thanks

Sure, it's not really that complicated once you get the hang of it.
a) Make sure you have your science skill up. You'll only be able to access certain terminals depending on your skill level, and the higher the skill, I think the fewer the duds available. I think
b ) If you're on your last guess, EXIT OUT of the minigame (on PS3, it's the 'O' button). You can reenter the terminal right away with no penalty other than having to wait for the screen to do the command prompt thing (literally a few seconds).
c) The password will only ever be words, so no need to enter the individual random characters or anything.
d) When you enter a word, it'll tell you how many of the letters in that word are in the correct spot (so if you see 3/9 correct, then you know that 3 of the 9 letters are in the right spot). Use this to narrow down the choices. For example, if the correct PW is "SAVAGE" and you had picked "RAVAGE", then you should see '5/6 correct' after you selected the word. This should clue you in that all but one of the letters was correct, and then you just look for another word that has the same letters.
Another tip, if there are words ending in "ING", and you select one and you get anything less than 3 letters correct (ie 0/X correct,1/X correct,2/X correct), then the correct password cannot be a word ending in "-ing".
e) You can remove duds or even give yourself more chances by finding sets of characters that are enclosed by brackets, such as <&@*(>, (*&%*$), [*#^@^], etc. To find these, start on the left side of a line of characters and slowly move the cursor over one character to the right until you see a section of characters highlighted. If you hit enter, it should say either "Dud removed" or "Allowance Replenished".
f) Finally, sometimes I find that the passwords are somewhat thematically linked to the location. So, a terminal that unlocks a safe may have a password that is "PROTECT" or something. Not a sure-fire method, but sometimes a good starting point.