I saw a guy in the chat saying "LOCO HACKER" ( LOCO is my clan name ) Yet I had 11 kills and 10 deaths lol.
It's really infuriating, Just when you begin to get a feel for the game ( after a month or two away from Crysis 2 ) You have a few bad rounds and then have a good one to be slammed as a hacker *sigh*
I really wish people would grow the hell up and not be so suspicious over a player who gets an average killstreak.
I mean.. What the hell has gaming come to when you can't even have a good game without some idiot screaming hacks.
Have any of you guys had this?
It's really discouraging and I kinda feel that this is one factor as to why a lot of the good players don't play Crysis 2 anymore.