I Had a Complaint BUT..........

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:34 am

I forgot what it was when the butterflies started fluttering around my head. I was so distracted that I didn't notice I was standing on a stump that had ants crawling all over it. I was so busy brushing ants off that I didn't realize that night was falling and suddenly this gorgeous aurora started glowing above my head. I was so thunderstruck by the colors that I didn't realize that a bear snuck up behind me. Needless to say I forgot to wear any armor because I too busy watching my butterfly in a jar before I left. I died a quick death, but I had a smile on my face.

What was I going to complain about again? :facepalm:
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Rob Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:07 pm

I forgot what it was when the butterflies started fluttering around my head. I was so distracted that I didn't notice I was standing on a stump that had ants crawling all over it. I was so busy brushing ants off that I didn't realize that night was falling and suddenly this gorgeous aurora started glowing above my head. I was so thunderstruck by the colors that I didn't realize that a bear snuck up behind me. Needless to say I had forgot to wear any armor because I forgot to put it on when I left. I died a qucik death, but I had a smile on my face.

What was I going to complain about again? :facepalm:

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Emma Copeland
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:03 pm

Then you took an arrow in the knee.
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james kite
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:28 am


LOL!!!! :laugh:
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:45 pm

Then you took an arrow in the knee.

Well, honestly, that was what I expected his post to say when I clicked on the thread title. :lol:

There are just some lovely moments in this game. I was cutting across an open area, at night and there was low mist in the grass. Beautiful. Or watching the snow start to fall. Or catching some movement out of the corner of my eye (so to speak) and seeing an elk lift his head and look at me. Lots of little things I just love in this game.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:08 pm

Then you took an arrow in the knee.

I was expecting this instead of the OP :shrug:

WOW ninja'd by a mod. I would say such an honor, but you know what happened to my knee :biggrin:
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:23 am

Well, honestly, that was what I expected his post to say when I clicked on the thread title. :lol:

There are just some lovely moments in this game. I was cutting across an open area, at night and there was low mist in the grass. Beautiful. Or watching the snow start to fall. Or catching some movement out of the corner of my eye (so to speak) and seeing an elk lift his head and look at me. Lots of little things I just love in this game.

Yes there is, this world is so alive.

I was just watching a fox and some deer moving threw the forest. I did not even notice two cave bears until I was nearly dead. They attacked from behind I just fled and yet they still killed me. :wink_smile:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:53 pm

I was running across the map, just wandering randomly, when I came to an extremely high cliff. The only way to go was to back-track a long distance and go around, so I was kind of bummed.

But then I remembered my Become Ethereal shout that I've never found a use for as a melee fighter.

Consider me Skyrim's first BASE jumper! :disguise:

I love this game!
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:34 am

Well, honestly, that was what I expected his post to say when I clicked on the thread title. :lol:

There are just some lovely moments in this game. I was cutting across an open area, at night and there was low mist in the grass. Beautiful. Or watching the snow start to fall. Or catching some movement out of the corner of my eye (so to speak) and seeing an elk lift his head and look at me. Lots of little things I just love in this game.

It's all fun and lovely scenery until someone takes an arrow to the knee.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:03 am

My wife even commented on how beautiful the snow looks, and thats rare.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:44 pm

Aaaah... misunderstood your post at first, but now I get it.

Can't wait to have the game. "Killed while sight-seeing" was my most frequent death in Morrowind, something I missed entirely in Oblivion. Man, it's funny to think I logged several hundred hours, and I never got around most of the quest lines. :lmao: I just wandered. And I expect I'll be doing the same :people have been posting such astounding screenshots. One I saw, it was a char atop the throat of the world, lost in a sunrise-lit sea of clouds. My jaw actually dropped.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:14 pm

Last night I was playing and I stumbled across 3 saber tooth cats attacking a lone giant. Others were in the distance but they managed to somehow get this one by himself.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:09 am

I was running across the map, just wandering randomly, when I came to an extremely high cliff. The only way to go was to back-track a long distance and go around, so I was kind of bummed.

But then I remembered my Become Ethereal shout that I've never found a use for as a melee fighter.

Consider me Skyrim's first BASE jumper! :disguise:

I love this game!

My first HUGE sense of awe came from me running across the tundra, then I had to come to a complete stop to avoid falling off of a ledge down into The Reach. I stalled and as I did, I gazed around at The Reach for the first time and I was simply awe struck. It made me a believer of this games sense of scale, its packed with more content than any Bethesda game before in terms of the wild. Not to mention the game I think is bigger because of the up and down ratio of the mountains.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:18 pm

Then you took an arrow in the knee.

ddddaaaaammmnnn i wanted to say that
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:59 am

Picking flowers, a sudden boom sounded at my feet as a giant slammed his club into the ground, sending me flying through the air. Since I was now facing upward in my flying arc, I noticed the purple curtain of the aurora as it glowed in the sky. I soon landed in the river which washed me downstream and through some rapids where a salmon that was swimming up stream smacked me in the face. Water logged, I crawled out of the water and the musical note from a nirnroot caught my attention, which was enough distraction for a mudcrab to pinch me in the rear. Yelling out, I clambered to my feet and ran from the river and right into a bee's nest with dozens of angry bees buzzing all around me. As I swatted at them I stumbled over a rabbit that had been spooked by my gyrations and I fell into a rancid pool where zippy flys buzz bombed me from above. Because of all that, I totally missed the dragon that was circling overhead until it was too late...

Yeah, its a great game.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:29 pm

I was running across the map, just wandering randomly, when I came to an extremely high cliff. The only way to go was to back-track a long distance and go around, so I was kind of bummed.

But then I remembered my Become Ethereal shout that I've never found a use for as a melee fighter.

Consider me Skyrim's first BASE jumper! :disguise:

I love this game!

Call yourself a base-jumper after you discover Bard's Leap (I think that's the name of it, or something similar). I won't say where it is, or what the point of it is, that place made me feel such a rush, and you don't even need Become Ethereal. ^_^

So far I've only seen ants outside Riverwood, but never anywhere else. Same with the bats in Bleak Falls Barrows. The world blows me away at times, but it feels (at times) scripted in certain areas. It's only snowed/rained in specific areas, never in random places while exploring. But like I said, there are views in the game that just take my breath away. ^_^
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