I was at E3 with Olan Rodgers, whom some of you may know as one of the three goons from the youtube sensation Balloonshop, and he also has his own comedy bit that you can buy off iTunes, and listen to on Youtube. Why was I with him, I honestly do not know. Haha.
Anyway, I was at E3 with him, we were going around looking at all the new stuff, some new amazing video games for the Wii that Nintendo had come out with, like Super Mario Galaxy with 3D visors that made it feel like you were mario, it was some crazy stuff.
So, we come upon Bethesda Studios "arena" for their new game debut. It was a stadium the size of a football field, they had braziers burning with blue fire, exotic dancers, and all sorts of crazy stuff, and as soon as they opened the doors to it, everyone at E3 started screaming like girls and running towards the arena, and me and Olan (?) somehow managed to get front row spots.
So Todd Howard comes up on the stage and starts talking about OB, and how it was a game that they had used for a benchmark so to speak to see where they could take it for the next installment of the series. At that point, everyone started screaming, Todd asked 2 random people to come up from the audience, myself, and lol, for some odd reason, xXAntibodyXx, and he said that, exactly like it's typed LOL, and we both got up there, and there was a massive screen behind a velvet curtain, and he asked the audience to be quiet. So me and xXAntibodyXx are standing up there, and he asks the audience to be quiet. Everything goes dark, no one could see anything, and then Todd screamed, lol, "PULL IT OFF!" and we did, and it was a huge screen that flashed THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM in ice/daedric letters, and then the entire crowd roared with excitement and cheering..
...and then I woke up. I was seriously mad. I was pissed off. I screamed the f word as loud as I could. Haha.
Anyone ever have an experience like this? Specifically TES related? This makes the 3rd time I've dreamed about TES:V. :rolleyes:
That leaves me to my second question: How do YOU want TES:V to be revealed? Through a magazine? On the site? At E3? If at E3, what specifically would you want to happen? Elaborate.