Hello, I'm a huge fan of the Fallout 3 and Fallout NV games! When I heard about the coming of Fallout 4, I knew it was finally time to buy a next-gen video game console just so I can play it when it comes out.
I have an idea for the new Fallout 4 game. Can I submit it here or is there an email address set up for Fallout fans to send in ideas for the game?
My idea is, (I hope) a simple one. I read about how the crafting system is being re-built and I remember in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim had a two handed combat system.
Well I was thinking: why not do something similar for Fallout 4, but in a limited way. I was thinking that when a player equips a weapon that is one-handed, the second hand could be used for holding, say, a lit flare, a lit torch, or a lantern of some kind. These items could be added to the new crafting system and be used as consumables.
And if the player switches to a two-handed weapon, the flare, or torch would simply be dropped to the ground, where it would continue to burn for its renaming time and then go out. I know players always have the Pipboy light, but I was hoping the new game could give some other options for players to explore the darkness other than just the Pipeboy light.
Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
Thanks for taking time to read this.