(Personally, I like Ralof better than Hadvar. He's just so cute.)
I was clicking onto this topic, and saw the post above, which the last user was Gstaff. Thinking Gstaff was the last user to write on THIS post, I was like, "Oh crap! I'm getting banned, I'm SO getting banned. Maybe I should flee to Mexico! No, they have internet there, right?"
You get to sit with him and his uncle while having some tasty cabbages.
At least Hadvar frees your hands.
Ralof tells you to jump into a burning building with them still tied!
Because Ralof is hardcoe.
Btw, I love your avatar picture.
I like Hadvar as a character. Ashame he one day just disappears.
Like any True Nord.
Ralof also has a nice family that actually lets you use their house for the rest of the game and doesn't lock the door when you look the other way.
Sigrid and Alvor are dead in my game. Reasons why will not be disclosed.
Well, that's how friendship works in Skyrim. If a complete stranger brings you a mammoth tusk or beats you in a bar brawl, then you will let that stranger use your house, your bed, eat your food, take your trinkets and even marry you. Considering that, letting a complete stranger use your home after saving the life of your brother seems like a fairly sensible decision.
Sigrid is such a b**** anyway, at least towards female characters. (Her "don't hit on my husband" greeting would have been much more fun if Alvor actually DID try to hit on female characters - and then Sigrid wouldn't look like an overly jealous woman, either.)
Probably. At least Hadvar. I mean, you're the prisoner, he's a soldier, he should expect that you would try to kill him to break free. That's why he's so nice. He sees what a BA the player character is and just wants to make sure to get on his/her good side before taking any chances.
@michaelpk - I just noticed your avatar says Wimperials.
Ralof does the same thing. You're both isolated from other faction members and they both cut off your bindings.
A satisfying thing about following Ralof? You get the kill the execution guard who ordered you the player, who was not the list, to have your head chopped off.
You know what? You're right. He's busy leading us to safety. The prisoner he wants so much that he's ready to help what very well could be a rebel, or an undercover agent for Ulfric, or a simple criminal, something that might very well lead to him being punished later by his commanding officer. But, as stated in the OP: HE WANTS US!!! "Look in these chests, I'm sure there's some armor you could use" (so I can watch you undress )
(Btw. There are two other men present who also wants us so much. Anyone but me finds it funny that during Tullius little "HA HA we caught you!" speech to Ulfric, both of them are staring the PC down? )
"Oh... yeah, guess we COULD have used the stairs."