I've narrowed it down to these two... and I'm leaning harder towards #2
I've narrowed it down to these two... and I'm leaning harder towards #2
nah man, number 1 is the best as she has the perfect pose and has a sixy look on her face as if she's about to cut you down and you'll like it
Her exposed skin might sway votes although who cooks fully armored up? I'll tell you who. Mjolene the Bloody that's who. You never know when a bandit might drop in for dinner.
I always play in third person if that gives you an idea
And the chef hat was a no go Hagrid. Made her completely bald due to the compatibility issue between modded hair and vanilla headpieces.
do you think this one is better than the cute Finna.
I still think you can do better, but that's just my opinion. I've seen your other stuff.
Tall Kath in Nordic Armour looks badarse. If you ask me, which you did, I think you should enter a new version of her with that armour.
But for now, I've submitted the new badarse Finna. Let me know if you want it changed.
ha I wonder how many times that pun will pop up in this thread
she needs no body shots to sway votes, she already has my vote at hello
I like how she's rockin my favorite gauntlets. BTW when I said stop to stare, I meant because they look impressive as characters not to ogle them
I'll change it to either
Finna http://i.minus.com/iiDVUE1m9NfIq.jpg
or Kath http://i.minus.com/iyUn5JhVu2JCy.jpg
or one of my Bosmer Alawen http://i.minus.com/iX4ffjMYTlh09.jpg
http://i.minus.com/itoZFOwGOl8Wu.jpg (not this one)
or 2 in 1 http://i.minus.com/iCXClvvHClLUc.jpg I love the look on Kath's face.
I have considered for some time to play Dragonborn as Mehra Milo. Because she's one of my all time favorite TES NPCs and it would be cool if Mehra Milo turned out to be the Dragonborn! So I might just create her and enter her in this contest
As much as I love Kath. This chick fits the theme! Total badass!
Think about it and let me know which badass you want to submit.
The Bosmer but I don't know what pic to use.
She's so badass, she can play the flute make music with with her halberd.
Well. This is a pageant. So I'm only going on aesthetics.
Do you want to submit your badass? And if so, which picture do you want to use?
Wow, great shots and she's good looking to boot.
This is gonna be the hardest poll ever.
How long are you keeping the entries open for the ladies? The only Lady I have is http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/Trace9569/20140129_165851-1.jpg and while she might not win a beauty contest, she isn't exactly BA either. So I'll have to create someone.... I'm not as fast ( or as good ) as Michaelpk.
You have plenty of time. I don't plan on starting the poll any time soon.
I agree with Hagrid, your Bosmer looks more the part...sixy and dangerous looking. I love the halberd flute
Is it me or in certain angles does she look like Bosmerina Jolie?
I agree about badass being in the deeds more then the looks but some people are born badass and look the part.
That final shot of her looks majestic, if there was a dragon flying in the background then I would've been tempted to make that my desktop pic
The bosmer, go with the bosmer Mike!. She looks badass.
I have picked the Bosmer.
I don't know what picture to use though.
Same reason I'm not entering Jelissa. She IS badass (she loves to hack through bad guys with a greatsword and is also a werewolf) but she looks like a sweet young girl.
I'm thinking of entering my old PS3 warrior http://i.minus.com/i4WO31Gh8cgOR.jpg. An http://i.minus.com/izBywpxJPlB90.jpg, one of those tough Nord women Olfina Gray-Mane seems to admire so much. Question is though, should I use one of these pics from her original game, or one from the recreated version I did but haven't played...? Hmm...
Because you said warriors. So http://i.minus.com/ibfk8p7zBaTZbn.jpgcan't compete, then?
I think Kath looks way more BA. With that blind eye and all. Your Bosmer is ok, but she's more pretty than BA, imo.
I do want to use Kath but I think she's more beautiful than badass. She is a badass though.
it's hard to decide.