Y'know, like an upgraded badarse version just for the pageant?
What's his name Harry?

I guess I'll enter Velacar then. *looks for photo*
Varalorne. I take it I've some time to get a better screenshot of him once I'm not too preoccupied with university work?
I got a "Prince of Persia" vibe from Raven Twist's entry.
Well, considering Hagrid's bias towards burly manly men with beards I can see why my character would give him the impression he got.
Not saying it is a bad thing, of course, we all have our tastes in aesthetics. I don't personally think that overly thick beards and bulging muscles or potbellies suit elves in particular as much as they'd suit nords and orcs but it does give the pageant a twist of its own. And there's enough screenshots of prettboy elves(and even nords) as it is, admittedly.
Yep that was embarrassing. I think I got it fixed now.
Ok. so for my badass altmer (male entry) I give you...
http://i.minus.com/ibaigPyK0Chq6Z.jpg (I'm terrible with altmer names) He is an old battle mage since before the last great war or so he would have you believe.
http://i.minus.com/ibeXq1jlInbxYM.jpgto be... well amusing for him and frightening to others.
I don't know which pic to use for him.
And for my second entry, (female)
http://i.minus.com/ibfqpDEZ3xXbvU.jpg (altmer vampire thief. guild master of the thieves guild, outcast daughter of Elenwen)
Noticed the Thalmor robe. Have you tried using the console to actually add him to the faction? I wonder if that does anything.
if you add yourself to their faction it seems they leave you alone. like the thalmor headquarters in solitude. they don't order you out for trespassing. I have not aligned one long enough to know if that stops thalmor hit squads and such.
Damn. Everyone's so badass. Not sure if I'll stand a chance.
Here's my entry anyways. http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/469803829512172648/7FBBB7307BBBB353BC0AF00A9F2183C78772ECB9/. He's a Thalmor Inquisitor.
He kinda looks young even though I chose the white hair and the wrinkly face, oh well... I might see if I can take some more screens of him where he looks more badass.
One of my favorite characters just so, happens to be an altmer. I have a lot of pictures of him, but I think I'll take some more for this pageant.
http://i.minus.com/iQJqlIM6RsDaF.jpg - brigand, sorcerer, Daedric spawn (use this pic)
He's not much of a city guy. He just stands there because the lighting is so good. http://i.minus.com/izPwi0SzjrA1W.jpg
No, seriously. What do you guys click to hide the UI? D:
I use these commands when I take screenshots:
tfc 1 (freezes the game and toggles freecam)
sucsm 2 (slows down the camera speed from default 10)
fov 40 (or sometimes fov 20, like in my pics above - to be able to zoom in close, and to get rid of distortion near the edges of the pic - default is 65-75 somewhere)
tm (toggles the HUD)
When I'm done, I reverse the commands:
fov (no number sets it back to default)
sucsm 10
tfc 1
Aaaah... for some reason I thought tfc was meant to do both. Gratitude, I'll keep those hints in mind!
Edit: This made me think, is there any plugin out there that introduces a shortcut you could use to instantly execute 'tmc 1' in order to capture some awesome midcombat scenes? I'd imagine typing it would take too long. Or is it possible to somehow 'macro' it?