A weeks detention with Professor Umbridge.
My entry has 0 votes..
Or get locked in the Chamber of Secrets for a day.
I suppose it's too late to add my character to this now. Oh well, maybe next time.
Edit: Voted for the Bosmer samurai... but I can't really take his name seriously... makes me think of http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Glarthir
I'm embaresed to say I had to look up that game to see what Geralt looks like.
I went back and forth but finally decided on Raedhel.
Going by badassery alone would mean I'd have to vote for several fo them, which I can't so... I voted for Glarthir because he isn't only badass, he is badass with style. Same goes for Snow-Prince, but I've voted for him in another contest, so Glarthir it is.
I voted for Raedhel, though The Snow Prince was a close second.
Now you see what a different Hagrid's three points make.
It's very close here.
This was tough so I had to be more critical to decide between my top 3. Jhed'ahk has way too much equipment for my tastes and looks good for a Khajiit yet is still a Khajiit and they don't look badass/beastly enough. Raedhel looks cool but the gloves make me think he's worried about his hands getting all calloused which isn't badass. I voted for Glarthir, simple Samurai style yet effective at being a badass Bosmer which isn't easy...the last Glarthir was anything but badass
Vulgarr needs no love, only meat, mead and his axe
I expected as much though as the ghetto phone pic and using photobucket are big strikes against him.
I voted Grimdall. All the entries are great, and I had a hard time choosing.
He was immediately in my top three if that makes you feel any better Harry.
Infact, if he wasn't bald he probably would have got the three points.
ha what's wrong with a shaved head? I buzz mine with a #1 clip, it's more aerodynamic and lets my brain breathe
I was probably traumatized by growing up in England.. Around chavs and working class men. I despise short hair personally. But that's just my opinion! I assure you if he had longer hair he would have bagged Hagrid's points. I would have even let you walk Fang.
I was the 2nd vote for Jhed'ahk , just got the courgae up to state that now, lol.
One mean kitteh"
Totally agree. My hair started going in my late 20s, and I've kept it dusted or shaved ever since. It's surprising the reactions you get, though. I was once walking down the street and a very young African-American kid started yelling "He with the K! He with the K!".
I have a friend in his 50s, but extremely fit, who keeps his head shaved. He's from London, and I don't know what the deal is, but people (usually white) often mistake him for a skinhead. He gets grief about it fairly often.
It's funny, these days a guy with long hair blends in and goes unnoticed, except for maybe a little more attention from the police. But a guy with a shaved head elicits strong reactions. (West Coast, US, that is)
Jareth Wintersnow brought a bicycle to a NASCAR race. (only kidding!)
Incredibly unfair I know.. I love all my of my fellow badasses.
Here it's fairly common these days, I would say. At least among people my age (35-45). I guess that's when the hair begins to get a little thinner... My husband started losing his hair in his early twenties. Been shaved ever since. He has went through all sorts of facial hair since I met him though, except the really big beard. I think his worst experiments were the mustaches (the absolutely ugliest one was for a bet though!). For some obscure reasons, he decided to have http://i.minus.com/iR3iCASnYV9OV.jpg in his face around the time when our daughter was born. I told him she might decide to crawl right back in if she came out and saw what her daddy looked like.
(Luckily, newborns have really bad eyesight, so she stayed on the outside.)
hmm west coasties are kinda crazy anyway. I usually look for the right kinda tat's before I go yelling about K's.( joking, I might look for the tat's, but I'm not gonna yell) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awi14wDTxNw&feature=kp that's for sure.
..... at least he showed up...
* no problem..... ^^^ he can take a joke
Glarthir would be my choice. He looks the type of person who would serve me well in my tomb... Of course, everyone that I hire as my champion die shortly after.
ha I hear you, I grew up around Italian gangsters who all had nice hair and clean shaven faces....naturally once I buzzed my head I was instantly looked at as an outsider, when I grew a beard I cemented my black sheep status.
I know that feeling all too well and my head has some stubble. When I grew my beard out a few months ago I got all sorts of attention, mostly intimidation/respect, but still more attention then I want so I trimmed my beard back down to blend in a bit better.
Is he Samurai? If so then he should serve a lord, otherwise that makes him a Ronin which is basically a Bushido bastard child