hehe, probably my favorite romance pairing in the series. should have been available from the start in ME1
You bet, although you'll have to duke it out with Garrus first
I'll have to come back with a male- rarely play them.
Here is http://i.imgur.com/fABgwCS.jpg, if looks could kill...oh wait. She really hates having to deal with these humans.
Edit; Here is my male http://i.imgur.com/mkizw1v.png “Graieyr” fresh off the chopping block.
(Side note, a co-worker asked me why I mostly create female characters [He prefers walking tanks…aw well…to each their own…], this is my view of “http://i.imgur.com/rHRjBiN.png”…nuff said.)
considering some people think my character and his look alike, would she even know?
An excellent point. You know what they say "What you don't know won't give you herp-erm, uh... kill you."
Myst was sad to see that there must be a male entry before there can be a female entry. I only ever play female Bosmer. Too bad, because I have 2 beautiful female Bosmer.
Hagrid's a softy, he'll let you enter I'd wager
well just make a male one real quick then takes a few mins. take a couple pics of him and then delete him afterwards? (a few of us do this...
Also I would like to announce that Hagrid got his massive beard stuck in the fax machine and the IT guys are working to get him out. Its either tear the machine to pieces or cut off his beard. Anyway we won't be seeing him for a few days so he has asked me to take over this until such time as he can return. Hopefully he will have his beard still.
Also since entries seem to be winding down, I'll probably open the voting thread on Thursday.
I would never expect him or anyone to bend the rules or make an exception.
Resident, I am just not good at making male Bosmer. I may try if I can get motivated ... haven't played Skyrim since last month.
Sorry to hear of Hagrid's misfortune.
Although if you really, truly wanted to enter, I'm certain he would.
Wait, what? Are you actually taking over the poll?
yes I am taking over this poll until he can return.
Since I am taking over this for now, I would rather not make an exception because I am going by his rules. Sorry.
I'm not at liberty to discuss. he just sent me word that he won't be around for several days and asked that I oversee this until he can make it back. Your free to ask him then if you wish.
Wait, what!? Didn't you read my post? I just said I wouldn't want him or anyone to make an exception. See post 110.
just to bump this before interest is lost. Are we waiting for any last minute entries? If no one else plans on entering the I may start the voting pageant tomorrow. (weds for those not on Alaska time )
Hagrid was waiting to see if Hevnoraak had an entry seeing as it was his suggestion for the race.
to echo Garrus, haven't seen him in quite some time as well. Hagrid did inform me he hadn't heard from hev either and to start the poll without him if it came to that. But bosmer was his idea and its a shame he hasn't shown up
well to bad for him if that's the case lol. Once I start the poll thread no more entries.