Thanks, my PC can't handle much visual enhancement but it's capable of running 40-50 mods. I only use my ENB for screenshots.
Thanks, my PC can't handle much visual enhancement but it's capable of running 40-50 mods. I only use my ENB for screenshots.
hmm, Googles "Bruce Lee" and looks at the first image in the search result:
yep still a badass
This is a,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNGDRmW3Q_oPHRYpHtnkBkxOIG1FmQ&ust=1398181755080963 not a posed picture that is supposed to make him look BA.
ha well that's a CG pic, let's go back to good ol' Google and search "Bruce Lee portrait". This is the 1st image result:
It's a face portrait, you can't see his body and he's wearing a vest and tie...still looks badass
It's all in the eyes and he has that serious strength in his, I can tell much about a man just by staring in his eyes (it's an alpa thing of sorts)...I can see the softness or the strength as they're windows to his true self, regardless of how sweet of a beard or how badass he tries to make his appearance. It's hard to explain, it's just a feeling.
We're getting a bit off topic now and the badasses here are rated a bit differently as there's no inner self to video game characters
Got my entries ready now.
Arendil. (use this picture)
Aeryel. (use this picture)
use this one Hagrid. unless I happen to get a better one by the time you have the pageant.
ha yep
ok back on topic thanks
I gotta say that's a sweet stache and I love Aeryel yet the wreath looks a bit out of place imo....nicely done nonetheless
What? You don't like the wreath?
She'll kill you next.
Almost forgot to add
I need to take a better screenshot of her, I changed her hair and stuff. Sometime tonight I might when i have time.
Sorry to have gotten off topic
very nice
sweet... their is something about her that remind's me of,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNFpW5EoBGtGBRi4suNxPL3q3dMb9w&ust=1398208229297615, not exact features, just IDK expression maybe?
Thanks. I can see the similarity. Kind of the same facial expression.
haha it just doesn't sit right on the head of a badass beaute imo
Here's the picture of Erewyn I'd like to submit
is she single? Red Wolf would like to visit her either way