So it's been well over a month, and practically all of you guys voted to see a new badass pageant for April. So here it is. Same rules still apply, and I'll still be giving my three points to my favourite male and female. But take heed, you may only enter a female only if you enter a male first. Male and female badasses will be in separate questions in the poll which will follow this entry thread.
So how does this pageant work? Okay, you may submit a badass male, and if you do, you can also submit a badass female. It goes without saying that only Wood Elves may enter this pageant, and they have to be BADASS. (no pretty boys/girls) Once the poll is open, you vote for the character that you think is the most badass. Hagrid will also be giving three special points to his favourite badass. And this is how he judges:
Aesthetics, Best Beard, and the enigmatic Wise Old Man. From those three sub-categories I'll pick my favourite male. No sub-categories for females, just kind cos.

Well.. Nows the part where I basically sit on my fat half giant ass and wait for your badass entries. One screenshot per entry, and I must have a name.
Good luck Harry!