I actually want to like the Legion, but I just find them to be too black and white.
1. Change the Voice Actor. He sounds like a fat Italian from Queens.
2. The Legion treats women with more dignity. No forced marriages or forced labor.
3. The Legion, much like the Roman model, leaves culture outside of the main Legion in respect
4. Territories and tribes conquered by the Legion have the ability to generate their own economy with paid enlistment, but must tip their hat to the Legion culture when asked and pay their taxes.
5. With paid enlistment, the Legion can focus more on advanced tactics and not a slave army.
6. The Legion army operates in effective large formations like the Phalanx. Melee in the front, Ranged in the Rear, and Centurians at the flank. This can be done with this engine.
7. Caesar is more pragmatic, does not preach to others that he is the Son of Mars. in fact there is no state religion except the state of the Legion. he takes pride in his intellect but also has a revealed proud history as a warrior.
8. Slavery is for males only. There are four types of punishment in the Legion administered by a conditioned Judge. For the lightest offenses, community service for females--forced enlistment for males, for heavier offenses it is punished by prison sentences giving prateorians more purpose than just guarding Caesar, the worst offenders become slaves or crucified based on the decision of a Judge or Caesar.
9. Legion prides itself on being an effective state based on the rule of law. No more ridiculous laws like using medicine is punishable by death, in fact there should be a corp. of doctors and caregivers who tend to soldiers
10. Legion follows the Roman and Greek model of combat. Every soldier looks out for each other, every soldier prides itself victory comes from strength and effective command, not careless casualties.
11. A quest given by Caesar against the NCR that has two paths: Frumentari or Centurian. Depending how you completed the quest, whether through espionage/stealth or brute force, you are given the rank of Centurian or Frumentarri, a Centurian armor outfit or Frumenrarri armor outfit, plus awarded Legion coin. If you chose the Frumentari path, you gain a lot of Legion fame and no NCR infamy.....if you chose the Centurian path you gain some Legion fame and a lot of NCR infamy.
12. A clear precise end game that brings total order everywhere in the Mojave. All remaining fiends, raiders, Brotherhood of Steel and powder gangers are totally decimated. While NCR kicks in full retreat via Mojave outpost the best Rangers are left behind to scout the Legion victory and carry out a covert insurgency against them that fails to do a heavy dent on the new settled Legion civilization.