One Fallout 4 subject that I have read a lot of around the web is the moaning comments about the lame graphics how they are using the creation engine... SAY WHAT???
I am absolutely chuffed that they are using the Creation Engine... Why? BECAUSE SKYRIM DIDN'T CRASH AND LOCK UP EVER HOUR OR SO... grrr... It ran without framerates dropping into single digits on my 360, looked awesome compared to the Fallout games and generally was a better experience. But then again I still enjoy the Fallout games because of the story, not the graphics.
So why am I ranting now? Yup, I've been playing the old Fallout 3 and New Vegas and OMG is New Vegas a pain in the behind at times. I can play up to around 2-3 hours and then the game will lock up solid needing a full Xbox reboot at worst or a return to dash at least. Now Skyrim I played for hours and hours and I think I had a crash all of twice with that game. Missions glitch out... Mission texts from locked out parts appear when they shouldn't and generally New Vegas still hasn't been fixed properly after all this time... so yeah, when it ruins my Fallout experience I get mad. But not because of the graphics.
Also people are moaning that Fallout 4 is using a last gen engine running on the new consoles.... not so! It's the Creation Engine yeah but they have updated the core for the new platforms. This will not be a recycled Fallout 3 like one review has said.
So when you hear people moaning about Fallout 4 looks crap because of the last gen Creation Engine just tell them "Would you rather it be the same ugly Gamebyro engine with the janky animation and was so unstable that fell over if you sneezed slightly?". Personally I will be saying "HAIL TO THE CREATION ENGINE BABY!"
p.s. I like the vibrancy of the new graphics... and it takes a lot for me to like the colour palette because I have partial colour blindness which means that trying to find character models in the brown/brownygrey/brownyred of Fallout 3/New Vegas is a pain where in Fallout 4 I CAN ACTUALLY SEE WHERE THE MOLE RATS ARE and not have to rely on VATS.
p.p.s. Sorry for the caps but I get worked up every time I think about graphics complaints when playing New Vegas and it locks up on me again. lol. Roll on November.