Just plug this into your textures/mel hair/ears and earrings folder. It should overwrite, and if not, it's the wrong directory. This should be more yellow and to your liking.
If you have a specific hair that you would like to use for your character and you want to send me the head mesh, I can convert it for you. Send it to meldiocre@gmail.com if you like, and let me know what style and color. Unless your char's head is a dinosaur or something it should be convertible.
If you have a specific hair that you would like to use for your character and you want to send me the head mesh, I can convert it for you. Send it to meldiocre@gmail.com if you like, and let me know what style and color. Unless your char's head is a dinosaur or something it should be convertible.
Wait. If you just sent me a message, who the hell sent me a message a minute ago? o.O I thought that was you..
I guess 2 people need hair conversion? LOL
BTW what I actually need from you is the specific head mesh. I looked at some pics of Azurians and they're not using vanilla heads that I can see. So can you send me the head mesh you use? I can fit it to the hair exactly.
Wait. If you just sent me a message, who the hell sent me a message a minute ago? o.O I thought that was you..
I guess 2 people need hair conversion? LOL
BTW what I actually need from you is the specific head mesh. I looked at some pics of Azurians and they're not using vanilla heads that I can see. So can you send me the head mesh you use? I can fit it to the hair exactly.
Heh, I should probably reveal myself on the forum (Or maybe mention who am from the forum while typing emails out) before sending cheeky emails I am the one who sent you a request not too long ago (And just only replied to you) as [email="wolf.7z@hotmail.com"]wolf.7z@hotmail.com[/email] (and which you just replied to as I took to long to type this )
They are great. Thank you so much. Here are a couple of screens in game. http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae33/Dragynlord/My%20Morrowind/MGEScreenshot5-48.jpg http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae33/Dragynlord/My%20Morrowind/MGEScreenshot7-2.jpg
Yep, no rush at all. I think the clipping issue is something that people who use long hair have learned to sort of deal with. I mean it's not ideal but it looks great in vanity mode photo ops.