wolli - I'm a huge nerd myself (if the obsessive modding wasn't a clue), I'm not one to judge.

And, thank you! I always thought she was my best one, her and the other Altmer. Unfortunately everyone only has eyes for the Dunmer.
Rave - It more than clips on vanilla heads.

It's SO horrible. But yea that one long hair one might be physiqued in the future by somebody who isn't me, so it won't disappear into her back at the edges when she runs. *cross fingers*
Knots - Never know what the future will bring. Converting these to male wouldn't be too difficult, it's just that.. (continued in my next reply)
HighDarkTemplar - I'm sorry you feel that way. My intention wasn't to look stupid, but rather to spend *only* 10 hours locating relevant files, importing to 3ds max, resizing, rotating, moving, trimming, placing on heads, checking in game, re-doing it, skinning it, importing ears, attaching ears to hair meshes, making custom skintones for ears, exporting, seeing if it matches/lines up properly, repeating the process every time a character's ear size or skintone changes, testing it, re-testing it, trying to solve clipping issues, and finally creating roughly 200 CS items (5 hair x 5 races x 5-8 colors each hair)... all for the low low price of 18mb when it's compressed, thus uploadable to PES...
What I'm trying to say here is it's possible I will do a male hair conversion. But since my eyes are bleeding, perhaps we'll leave that project for next week.

Forest Stalker - Wood Elves are next up on the agenda. When their faces happen, I will do hair for them too, don't worry.