I hope there isn't already a topic for that, there are so many posts in this section of the forums compared to the Morrowind modding section where I usually post

I really like the ingame trailer and have been very impressed by the graphics (the distant mist is very, very breathtaking). I have started to feel worried about one aspect of the graphics, however, the hair. From what we can see in the trailer and the released screenshots at the official skyrim website, it looks like the hair is going to be less detailed and defined than in Oblivion. I agree with those who think it may be too early to say that, but what we have now doesn't look very promising:
http://i.min.us/ijzGKg.png << hair strands don't really look great
http://i.imgur.com/WdRNf.jpg << that one is the best of the three, but is not very impressive
http://cdn.zenimax.com/akqacms/files/tes/screenshots/Tavern01_wLegal.jpg << Notice the lack of definition of the hair strands
In my opinion, from what we have seen of hair so far, the hair in Oblivion was better. What I am worried about, judging by the screenshots, is that the new engine for Skyrim may not be able to support textures with full, gradual transparency - at all.
As you can see in this screenshot,
http://i.imgur.com/mgTG7.jpg. The hair doesn't look smooth, the edges are very rough. Which makes me think that the new engine just can't make use of textures with complex transparency. As a modder who's made a few hairstyles for Morrowind, and completely depends on the ability to use gradual transparency to create convincing hair textures (for instance, http://s62.photobucket.com/albums/h91/Mandamus_TES/Hairstyles/?action=view¤t=mandamusnordhair02.jpg and http://s62.photobucket.com/albums/h91/Mandamus_TES/Hairstyles/?action=view¤t=01.jpg use textures with full, gradual transparency), I am a bit worried. I'd REALLY like to port some of my hair to Skyrim eventually

So my questions are:
Is there any available media that shows textures using some form of complex transparency/alpha channels? I have probably missed plenty of screenshots.
Do we have any info on the engine's support of full alpha channel textures?
Would any developer reading this post be able to shed some light on the matter? (doesn't hurt to ask

Will modders be able to use textures with full transparency? (only the developers may answer that one for now, we'll have to speculate until release I suppose)
If anyone knows anything more about the issue, please post!