Half-Life in Fallout

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:19 am

None of this will be in the vanilla game, but, I think some of this would make for nice modding material.

Plus, is there ever going to be a Half-Life 3? Doubtfully any time soon, so, why not add some old familiar love to a new game world like Fallout 4, especially where it could plausibly fit, and also add in some game play elements not present in the vanilla incarnation?


1. Bugbait - In Half-Life 2, there was a grenade-like weapon called bugbait or antlion pheromones. This weapon summoned a few pesky antlions to follow you around, and attack anything you threw the pheromone ball at. The antlions could burrown and fly short distances, so, almost any enemy anywhere was game, and, the little buggers respawned if killed, giving the player a constant group of about 3 antlions to attack anything and everything.

Plausibility for Fallout - there's mutated everything in Fallout. Why not have some antlions from Half-Life, and the pheromone ball to control them? Antlions were some of the best companions ever; better than some wasteland dogs. :P

2. Hivehand - In the first Half-Life, there was a creature full of bees, or wasps that you put on your hand, and it shot bees or wasps that automatically homed in on a target, even if they were hiding behind something. The bees or wasps, or whatever would also auto-generate inside the hand, so, you never ran out of ammunition, but, you would have to wait for the ammo to regenerate.

Plausibility for Fallout - it could be an FEV experiment? Do we need much plausibility to shoot bees at enemies?

3. Gravity Gun - You know it. You love it. Turn anything in the environment into a weapon and launch it at an enemy.

Plausibility in Fallout - There's already the junk gun that shoots teddy bears and stuff. Why not a gravity gun that basically does the same thing?


1. Barnacles - Barnacles in Half-Life would hang on ceilings with their sticky icky tongues out, and catch the player by surprise whenever they stumbled into them where they'd get pulled up closer and closer to a hungry mouth, unless the player shoots and kills the barnacle before getting to the mouth.

Plausibility for Fallout - Mutant stuff! Plus, it'd add some fun and interesting additional atmosphere to caves, and dark places.

2. Antlions - these cheeky bugs were relentlessly persistent about attacking anything that stepped on sand in their territory. With the pheromone gland, they could be controlled, but, without the pheromone gland, they were a bullet sink because they'd spawn 3 or 4 at a time, and be on infinite spawn until you got out of their territory.

Plausibility in Fallout - These things were more challenging than cazadores, but, also, they could be controlled with the pheromone gland thing, and with mutations everywhere in the Fallout wasteland, what's to say antlions couldn't exist?

3. Headcrabs - headcrabs were a little bit like the alien facehuggers from aliens, but, instead of gestating a baby alien inside the victim, the headcrab turns them into a headcrab zombie. These hoppity hopping critters were quite pesky, and I think would also be a fun addition to the Fallout universe.

Plausibility in Fallout - Radiation. Mutants. Why not?

These additions, I think, would add some more fun to the game outside the conventional everyday "hey look, I modded just-another-real-world-gun-into-the-game" standard, or the "hey-look-I-reskinned-the-animal-that-already-exists" standard mod, which are all fine for some real-world variety added into the game, or making existing models look more interesting.

Anyway; thoughts?

Thanks. :)

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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:37 pm

As a mod, sure. It has probably been made for the other games already.

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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:00 pm

With all of the New Vegas weapon mods you can get close to the small arms armoury of Half Life 1 and 2.

MP7, MP5, SPAS-12, Glock 17, USP Match, hell ive even seen a combine stun baton for New Vegas, and that overwatch sniper rifle you see in Episode 2. Although now that I think of it the SPAS-12 is missing.

The only thing I don't see as likely modding material is that Overwatch Pulse Rifle. As cool as it is, you'd need to get some better support for modding animations in, and in Fallout and Skyrim that stuff is hard as nails from what I understand. But then on my New Vegas character I was just using a modded M16A2 that has custom animations for the way it reloads, so its not impossible.

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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:29 pm

It's not the conventional weapons that have any real interest, to me at least. One conventional gun over another is pretty much just another pistol, shotgun, smg, assault rifle, or sniper rifle to me. Variations on those are just yawn and more yawn.

Shooting bees at an enemy that automatically home in, or having a pack of antions to ravage everything everywhere, now, thems for funs. :D

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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:45 am

Well, the Rock-it Launcher or Junk Jet in F4 is already similar to the Gravity Gun.

As for the rest, leave it in HL.

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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:23 am

Heh. I can understand that. Just that the most popular mods are for weapons and houses, and building something like a hive hand as a mod would require the dreaded -new animations- which are hard as hell, and a antlion would be even harder. As I said with weapons being popular there's a good mod for the Combine Stun Baton that you can find over here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56025/?

I also wish there was a good mod for a civil protection uniform or other outfits from the game, but sadly I haven't found any. I think I might have seen a HEV suit somewhere, but im not sure which one it was for. Maybe with Fallout 4 being even more explosively popular than the previous Fallouts there will probably be atleast a few HL-inspired mods out. Im sure you'll atleast be able to get some of your wishes depending on how the modding winds go.

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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:55 am

I came here thinking the thread would be about radioactive decay.

I feel a bit disappointed.

But sure, make a HL mod, why not.

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Olga Xx
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