So! I came to a not-so-brilliant realization. We could play them together! What I want to do is get a group of people from these forums to download one of these multi-player mods and play together. Perhaps once or twice a week, more if there's the demand. We can use this thread to organize.
If you're interested, please post your Steam user name. Once there's a few names on the list, we'll choose a mod and pick a day and time to play it. Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!
STEAM USER NAME LIST ([Forum name] - [Steam name])
Jerhicco - Jerhicco
SimpsonFly - SimpsonFly (I couldn't find him. Suffca could though! Try adding through Suffca.)
Suffca - Suffca
iGuess - iGuess27
Lemunde - Lemunde
Shifty - Shiftyanbaov
Revolutionfilms - SpeedOfSam
fatal_denier - hasserix
Tyraa Rane - tyraarane
Septiego - NumberoftheJon
Venq - The UberJuntti