***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Westly Presents Half Races of Tamriel*****************************************************************Index:1. Installation2. Playing the Plugin3. Save Games4. Changing the Face/Race of an Existing Character5. Credits & Usage***************************************************************** INSTALLING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************Manual Installation:This mod is packaged/archived with 7zip. Should one desire to usethis mod, an archive programme such as 7zip, Winrar, Winace, or Zip Genious should be used to extract/open the information/files herein.(Although, if you are reading this, then you already know how to do extract from archived files, so good for you).Once extracted/opened, just drag and drop these onto the Morrowindfolder in your C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Data Files directory and they will go where they are meant to go (except the readme and ExtrasFolder). All the files are placed inside folders as marked (become familiarwith manual installations, your game will thank you for it). You will then be prompted to overwrite. Click yes/ok and the files should now beproperly installed.Files included in the Data Files folder of this mod:Textures FolderMeshes FolderExtras FolderWestly Presents_Half Races of Tamriel.espWestly Presents_Half Races of Tamriel_X.espWestly Presents_Half Races of Tamriel README (which you are reading right now
)The Extras Folder: Inside the Extras folder there are two subfolders containing the meshfiles for Underwear and nvde options (the mod installs the nvde meshesas the default, but are included in the extras folder as back up; justin case). To install these, simply open the appropriate subfolder in the archive (nvde or underwear) 'til you see the "Meshes" folder (if the folderis named "_HRT", then you have gone too far
). Now select the "Meshes"folder and press Ctrl+C to copy the file. Then open your Morrowind directoryto C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Data Files. Now press Ctrl+V to pastethe previously copied "Meshes" folder into the Data Files folder (you will be prompted to overwrite, so click yes and the races will now use the bodystyle of your choice
).An important note on the Westly Presents_Half Races of Tamriel_X.esp :This .esp requires the expansions (Tribunal and Bloodmoon) for play. If you have the expansions or the GOTY version of TESIII, then use this .espinstead of the .esp without an "X" in its title (as that one is designedfor Morrowind alone). The difference in the "X" .esp is that it allows (through the use of scripts) the Stone Elves and Sun Elves to use additionalspells specific to their races alone (Rock spells for the Stone Elves and Wind spells for the Sun Elves).So use the Westly Presents_Half Races of Tamriel.esp if you have Morrowindalone.Use the Westly Presents_Half Races of Tamriel_X.esp if you have the expansions.Do not run/use both at the same time; choose one or the other***************************************************************** PLAYING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to Westly Presents_Half Races of Tamriel.esp to activate the mod
.This plugin adds:Three new BB races based on the hybridization of other Morrowind races (much in the spirit of my mod, The Altaran).The new races are as follows:The Stone Elves are the blended result of outlander Dark Elves and the Wood Elvesof the borders of the Western Valenwood Forests and Cyrodiil. They dwell mainlyin the borderlands of southern Cyrodiil, where the land is wild and unforgiving.Due to this, they have developed hardy constitutions and natural athleticism andgrace, necessary to survive in the wilds. Called Stone Elves, in large to theirhardy nature and resiliance, but also as a reference to their pale earthen-grey skin(as a result of the blending of the two elven races). They often retain a slightreddish tint to thier eyes and a have a fair resistance to flame; a sure sign oftheir Dark Elven heritage. Shunned by most heartland Dark Elves, the Stone Elvesretain close ties to their Valenwood cousins, learning much from the kindred elvesof the wilds. The Stone Elves are adept Geomancers, as they are able to draw powerfrom the earth (often going bare foot in some fashion to better connect with the earththat gives them strength). At great cost, the Stone Elves can summon the very bonesof the earth to rise up as defense or aid in battle.STR - 35INT - 40WIL - 30AGI - 45SPD - 50END - 35PER - 35LUC - 40Racial Bonuses:Ahletics 5Acrobatics 10Light Armour 5Marksman 10Short Blade 5Sneak 5Security 5Half-Orcs - a result of the blending of Orckind and Humankind (be it natural or forced). Half-Orcs are, in large, outcasts, never truly being accepted by their human or orcish relatives. Some Half-Orcs seek to blend in with humanity and will often wear masks to cover their beastial visages. Others wear their tusks and piggish nose proudly and even scar their faces to become more like their Orcish cousins. Whatever the case, Half-Orcs share a close bond to the ferocity of their Orcish ancestors, as they remain fierce opponents on the battlefield due to their natural strength and endurance with fair resistance to magika.STR - 50/45INT - 35WIL - 45AGI - 35SPD - 30END - 45/50PER - 30LUC - 40Racial Bonuses:Axe 10Block 10Hand-to-Hand 10Heavy Armour 5Blunt Weapon 5Restoration 5The Sun Elves are decendants of Redguard and Altmer pairings. Known as the Sun Elves(due to their soft iridescent golden complexions and pointed ears of their Altmerforebears, though males sometimes have smaller elf ears), they make their homes inthe south-western regions of Hammerfell (from Janeth to Rihad). Often nomadic,they are adepts of change, bending and manipulating the physical world to suittheir whims as needed in their travels. The Sun Elves are great Aeromancers, callingthe winds of all nations and climes to serve them in times of need or peril. In allof Tamriel, none rival their mastery with staves and maces. STR - 40INT - 40WIL - 35AGI - 40SPD - 35END - 45PER - 35LUC - 40Racial Bonuses:Alteration 10Athletics 5Blunt Weapon 15Destruction 5Illusion 5Medium Armor 5 ***************************************************************** Save Games*****************************************************************This plugin will not invalidate your old saved games. If you save your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But you will beable to continue on with the original game.***************************************************************** Changing the Face/Race of an Existing Character*****************************************************************To change the face/race of your existing character without startinga new game, open the console and type "enableracemenu". Choose yournew face and hair.Then, once you have changed your race, save yourgame and exit. Then restart/relaunch your game and resume from thatsave. Changing your race will cause temporary problems that should resolve themselves when you reload. Always save your game first in case of unpredictable errors and save afterwards in a new file.***************************************************************** Issues/Bugs/Mild Irritances*****************************************************************- the long hairs included for most races will clip with the bodyduring certain animations. Without skinning/physiquing/weight-paintingthis is unaviodable, but worth the minor clip here and there for the character of your choice
.-The Sun Elves' Wind powers are essentially mostly invisible cloudcreatures that when summoned, cast spells (just a heads up so thatwhen you use them, know that they are there even though you mightnot see them until they start casting).***************************************************************** Credits & Usage*****************************************************************Original face models by Rhedd, then altered by Robert, then altered further by Westly.Vampire Head meshes by Robert, reanimated and vampified by Fenrya13Selected Male Hair meshes by Darksharp, Rhedd, and GorgHair meshes by RenFeatured Hair meshes by IDKRR from the Corean race for Oblivion (with special permission)Female Half-Orc Dred style by Geonox:[src="http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/852019-relz-half-races-of-tamriel/http://geonox.silgrad.com/download.htm"]http://geonox.silgrad.com/download.htm[/url]Better Body meshes by Psychodog Studios:[src="http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/852019-relz-half-races-of-tamriel/http://psychodogstudios.com/"]http://psychodogstudios.com/[/url]Sun Elf Male Half-Elf Ear mesh by GagatekBase for the Rock and Cloud Creatures by AcidBasikSummoning Scripts by Midgetalien with thanks to Bjam
Head, Body, and Hair textures by WestlyThank You! to Dave Humphrey for creating NifTextureThank you NifTools for NifSkopeThank you to the community for the continuing support.Thank you to AlienSlof for initally pointing me down the right paths when I first began making mods.Permissions = none just yet, as this mod is subject to my changing it at a whim, with new content and world support in the possible future
.For any curious about the usage of the new IDKRR/Corean hairs in this mod(just to get it out of the way), I am in the process of converting themfor all the stock races in Morrowind as well (as this is a very time-consuming/tedioustask as it requires my best efforts in reworking the meshes so that theywill fit most head meshes available). Rest assured that they will soon beavailable for the stock races (the ones featured in this are my "test" meshesthat will work with the races included, but might not work with other race/headmeshes). So no permissions just yet for the hairs (as I hope that you wouldwant me to get them in the best shape that they can be in before they arereleased for the stock races, don't you)? I thought so, so sit back and relaxand I will have the new hairs available for your use shortly
. So please donot make any further conversions of these hairs, as it will render all of the hard work that I have done already as moot (plus the fact that the textures in this modare meant to be racially specific to the included races, thus I am making new textures for the stock races to match skin tone and racial features, so again, no worries).Questions? Comments? I hang around Planetelderscrolls and The Elder Scrolls Forums with my given id "Westly". Seek me out at these forums. Please PM if you have any questions.
Pages from my concept Sketch Book:
Stone Elf: Earth Warden http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Sketchbook/_WAR_HRT_DEWE_F_1.jpg, http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Sketchbook/_WAR_HRT_DEWE_M_1.jpg
Sun Elf: Aeromancer http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Sketchbook/_WAR_HRT_RGHE_F_1.jpg, http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Sketchbook/_WAR_HRT_RGHE_M_1.jpg
Half-Orc: War Shaman http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Sketchbook/_WAR_HRT_IMOR_F_1.jpg, http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/Sketchbook/_WAR_HRT_IMOR_M_1.jpg
Tuesday, July 28, 2009-
Added a separate download for v1.1 female body and hand textures. These new
textures are based on Westly and Cappucine's Extra High Rez body textures.
While these new textures are not "extra high resolution" themselves, the
effect/appearance is the same (though keeping a few elements of the
v1.0 textures).
Enjoy :twirl: !