Oh, you never know, it could be an "emergent behavior". The programmers at Bethesda are wily. Like the programmers at Bungie are wily. Anyone remember the "emergent behavior" that Myth II: Soulblighter displayed when you tried to uninstall the pre-release CD version? No? Read this:
The Myth II: Soulblighter Debacle of '98
The original version of the Myth II: Soulblighter contained a serious bug. The bug was that the CD contained an uninstaller which would remove Myth from a computer by deleting the directory in which it had been installed. If the user had overridden the default and installed Myth to the root level of his hard drive, the uninstaller would delete the entire contents of the user's hard drive.
Myth II punished a poor marketing employee for daring to uninstall it. I fear Daggerfall may be punishing you Crackbone, for not playing enough. You should play MORE!!
