"HALT!" shout the guards, running to me. What have I done wrong?
"You have been found guilty of criminal conspiracy. How do you plead?"
"Your honor, I Corin have just recently arrived to this wonderful land of Daggerfall. One day ago, I lie not! So how can thy be conspirating, against a government that my master, the Emperor himself, sent me to aid, within one day! My ask nay not be of ill deed, and all I have done is kill a few rats, skeleton, and bandits. I say nay, I am not guilty!"
"You are hereby found, not guilty then Corin. Carry out your life."
So alright. THats cool! The game has someone out to get my knight... but less then ten seconds later.
"Oh what now!"
"You Corin, have been found guilty of criminal conspiracy. How plead you?"
"WHAT THE HELL! What evidence do you even have, and where the hell is this coming from!"
"He's guilty! Throw him in the cell to rot for thirty days."
*slammer... thirty days later*
"Alright Corin, you are free to leave. However, I dont think you will want to during the night hours, with the ghost of king Lysandus, ehehe.. but, not your choice. OUT DOG!"
"You filthy corrupted-"
*tossed outside Daggerfall city... with all the ghost screaming for his blood.. escapes, and travels to the east, to the great mountains where he will take up a new name for the time.*
So, can anyone tell me. Is this a bug, or is there some ill deed at work against Corin?