Did you create more spawns in the Scorpion Gulch area? Because that area is virtually impassable at low level now when you've got 6 giant rad scorpions on your tail! Mangaged to bypass with a stealth boy - turbo combo, but it was kinda frustrating really.
I'd concentrate not on increasing spawn numbers where there are already spawns...but maybe try to generate new dynamic spawn instances, especially Legion vs NCR patrols skirmishes, because there seems to be a lack of this in vanilla.
Plus have you considered adding back the rogue robot spawns of FO3 back into the Wasteland? I know some people hated them, but for me there was nothing like the terror of experiencing a Sentry bot armed with missles when you least expect it!
I'd concentrate not on increasing spawn numbers where there are already spawns...but maybe try to generate new dynamic spawn instances, especially Legion vs NCR patrols skirmishes, because there seems to be a lack of this in vanilla.
Plus have you considered adding back the rogue robot spawns of FO3 back into the Wasteland? I know some people hated them, but for me there was nothing like the terror of experiencing a Sentry bot armed with missles when you least expect it!
Ill take a look at that area and reduce the extra spawns there. Hopefully when I get some headway done on the scripting system the spawns in an area like that will just be configurable and not need any new hand placed spawn points.
I definitely want to bring back rogue robots.

At this point HAM will not include the increased spawns module anymore. Go http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1147063-wip-iws-increased-wasteland-spawns/ for that topic.