My sheet
Spoiler Name: Marcus Enveri
Alias: Almerion (pronounced: Al-Mee-ree-on)
Age: Looks 60-65, really the same age as Barenziah.
Race: Nord, Vampire
Birthsign: The Lover
Appearance: Almerion, a Nord by blood and birth, stands like you would expect, like two Bosmers atop each others shoulders. He is around 6'7. His large frame and powerful build is betrayed somewhat by his obvious age, many would believe him a weak old man and pay dearly for the assumption. Often times he keeps his silver/white hair tied back in a neat tail with a red ribbon, which falls to the small of his back, since becoming a vampire he has never trimmed his hair, as was the tradition at the time -- though it has, on occasion, been singed severely. An aging 60 year old man by some accounts. His handsome, yet pale face seems extended in length due to his long white beard, which grows from what once could be considered a goatee, but now reached midway down his chest, his cheeks are hollowed and shaven.
He still has the body of a his young twenty year old self, the chorded lithe muscles and bulky frame. Some say his eyes are void like, for they are cold and empty, yet the shine red in certain light, as one would expect from a vampire. There is however, no hiding the torturous past that hides behind the glassy gaze. He cannot recall a single time in which they have shown mercy. Though laugh lines can be seen beside them.
Though in appearance he is old, he still holds on to the handsome vestiges of youth, he can use both to his advantage when he needs to, women fall for his charm and looks with a push from his Vampyric gifts, Men fall for his false weakness of age, only to underestimate him and pay a fatal price.
Clothing/Armour: Almerion wears a style of clothing long out dated and now considered some what eccentric, a black brocade tail coat, over a loose cuff tunic finished with a sheer thrill. With the brocade, he also wears a pair of slightly loose riding pants (also black) and a pair of soft leather knee high boots. On occasion, has been spotted wearing a grey silk scarf, though usually only when in well lit areas, to hide the scars on his neck.
Weapon: Proffering unarmed combat over armed combat, Almerion has honed his fighting techniques beyond that of any man alive which he knows of, his left arm is encased in metal, a modified armour piece from a suit of ebony, the kind of armour you would expect to see on the arm of a gladiator, only there are not breaks in this armour. The tips of the gauntlet are modified, each finger resembled a hawk like talon. The knuckles are fixed with individual ebony guards, which raise up above the back of the hand to make a slotting device, useful for parrying bladed weapons. On the Shoulder of this ebony casing is a green pommel jewel, It vibrates with untold power when Amerion gives into his blood lust, Though this power does nothing to Augment his abilities, it simple feeds on bloodlust.
General skills and talents: Almerion is gifted in the Art of martial combat, or hand to hand combat. He is fast and strong. He uses an aggressive fighting style, often pushing an attack relentlessly even when he cannot land a blow, pushing his enemies to the edge until they falter and he can strike. He uses Alterations creatively, using some offensive spells (burden etc) defensively and some defensive and miscellaneous spells offensively (levitate, shield spells etc) he is also a very skilled painter. Many would say this was a useless skill in the field, but his attention to detail gifted through his skills with a brush have saved his life on many occasions.
Personality and temperament: Almerion is a relentless rage filled soul with good reason, he has had a torturous life that's turned him into a monster he once feared to be. But this doesn't stop him enjoying the few pleasures of life’s bounty that a vampire can enjoy, he can often be quite charming. He has a very dry sense of humour when it does occasionally emerge. Outside of combat he comes across as austere, pensive and wise, he will often speak philosophically and poetically when advising some one, preferring to give inspiration to solutions, rather than giving answers to problems.
Brief History: (Through the eyes of a vampire fan fiction, I'd write up a brief history but I don't want to ruin the ending

History in the timeline: Known mainly for his bloodlust towards the Dunmer Serosi throughout recent years, after an incident in Cheydinhall which resulted in the death of his “family”, spending much of his time tracking the Dunmer throughout Tamriel, he stopped in his search for a short while to step in as speaker in Highrock. Shortly after this new position was earned, he severed all ties to the Dark Brotherhood and has since been unaccounted for up until recently, when he was commissioned to track down and urder Elysana's Elite.
Misc: He carries a cherry wood pipe and pouch of tobacco along with four different flasks on his belt, the flasks all contain blood, added agents to stop the blood congealing, for use in situations where fresh blood isn’t available.
Almerion, basemant of the Gottshaw Inn Something stirred beneath his frozen skin; rippling its way over his tendons and long dried veins, disturbing his slumber as it made contact with his blackened heart -- sending a torrent of vicious hunger throughout his body.
The vampires eyes snapped open, all coherent thought diminished, he had not fed in over a week. He shot to his feet, knocking stacked crates of ale to the stone floor of the Inns basemant. He had managed to stow himself away beneath the Inn unnoticed the previous night, a few hours before sunrise -- an unfortunate hiccup in his journey to Anvil, but necessary if he wanted to arrive at his final destination with flesh intact.
A deep unsettling vibration resounded through the foundations of the building, reverberating through his rib cage uncomfortably as masonry and wood crashed to the tavern floor above, splintering long floor panels above Almerion as if they where nothing more than twigs. Quickly, Almerion shot to the exit, the scent of blood driving him more than the prospect of survival.
He pushed against the trapdoor that exited to the rear of the bar area, but could only open it a few inches. Again, he tried, screaming in fury as the strangled starving beast beneath his skin clawed at his innards in bloodthirsty hunger. It did not budge.
Looking out Almerion saw a number of things, each one of them adding to the overall chaos of the scene. Bodies where strewn across the floor, pinned by the debris that fell upon them, quite clearly dead. Others moved feebly, stirring amongst the dust groaning for help while patrons stumbled and trampled over them in an attempt of escape. He pushed up against the weight pinning the door down for a third time, making a little more progress.
Just as he made enough room to wriggle free however, a blinding light erupted around his face as a torch flew out of nowhere and landed on the liquor flooding the ground, immediately igniting everything within the vampire’s line of site. A scream more akin to a Daedra than a human escaped his mouth as he fell backwards, his face blistering furiously as he batted the flames away.
The sudden pain and panic strengthened his hold over his mind, pushing the bloodlust to the bowels of his mind he began to think. Ideas began to form in his mind as he eyed the trap door. Drips of flaming Alcohol began to leak down, spreading across the floor toward him.
He reacted faster than even he expected, he felt a knot in his stomach untie and a flow of energy released, pushing its way up his dried and constricted gullet. A bright purple mist emerged from his mouth and nostrils, dropping to the floor in furious tendrils as they evolved from gas to light, shooting across the floor as they made impact. The light circled the fire now spreading through the basemant, keeping the stacks upon stacks of alcohol-laden crates safe for the moment.
The light pulsated more brightly still as Almerion focused his mind onto the stone and wood above the trapdoor, the light branched off away from the flame and moved sluggishly upwards, wrapping its way around beams as it travelled to the crack of light beaming through the slightly open door.
It finally made contact with whatever was on top of his exit, the objects pulsated and shone adding a purple hue to the scene that mingled and flirted with the bright orange and yellow flames. The floor above him groaned dust began to drop onto his silver hair as he slowly backed away into the corner.
At last, the weight of the burden spell was too much for the floor to handle, the collapsed stone and wood crashed through the splintered floor into the basemant, the fire spreading with it, igniting every drop of alcohol around him.
Almerion howled in pain as the flamed licked at his flesh, cursing his heightened sensitivity to heat, he ran. Diving on top of the fallen rubble like a predator on the hunt, screaming in pain as the skin on his right hand stick to the super heated stone, removing the top layer of his flesh within seconds. He jumped again, his ebony clad hand grasping the heavy wooden floor, and the talon like fingers piercing the wood as the vampire dragged himself upwards, kicking furiously with his legs against the punishing flames bellow.
Once he managed to pull himself up to the ground floor of the inn, he began to tiger crawl forwards, until there was enough room to push himself to his feet. He looked around; his eyes reacting horribly to the bright flames, he ran blindly towards the sound of running feet -- making a mental note to find whoever had started the fire and flay him and scraqe the blood from his exposed tendons as punishment, as he ran through the dust clouds and thick smoke.
He stumbled forward like a drunk, the alcohol fuelled fire made his skin tighten and split open as he moved, his papyrus like flesh reacting to the heat as if it was direct sunlight. Panic gripped his heart; it flooded its way through his body like a tidal wave of ice water. Then, just as he reached the exit, he felt a hand on his ankle.
“Please, help me!” A weak voice implored him; he looked down to see a wide eyes young woman, no older than eighteen, her legs crushed beneath a collapsed support beam. Somewhere beneath the pain and fear in Almerions body, a dark ugly head reared and sniffed at the opportunity.
Almerion bent double, hooking both his arms under hers. She screamed in pain as he began to pull, but he saw a desperate look of gratefulness behind her amber eyes all the same. He dragged her backwards through the inn, out of the door into the cool dark night. Completely ignoring the chaos around him, he moved quicker and quicker, dragging the crippled girl away from the safety of numbers, backing his way into the overgrown vegetation surrounding the inn, finding cover from which he could feed.
It took mere moments for her to realise what was happening, she screamed for help but the vampires hand came over her mouth, pushing down hard to stop any noise from escaping, save for insignificant grunts and moans as her broken legs where dragged over fallen logs and jagged rocks.
He dropped her to the floor; the grateful glint that hid behind her eyes had been replaced by a cold stricken fear as Almerion began to tear his clothes off. She assumed the worse, that she was about to be ravaged by the savage beast who saved her from a slow burning death. However, she was wrong, her fat would be far worse than she could imagine.
The skin on Almerions chest looked like it had been torn open by the talons of a great beast; gashes had opened up all over his body. He relished in the sensation of the cold air caressing his charred and burnt flesh, his head tilted backwards, staring into the starry sky -- mouth agape.
Then, he dropped onto the woman, her face froze in realisation as she spotted four elongated pearly white fangs headed straight for her sweat and ash covered neck. They made easy work of the cartilage and sinew as he shredded and tore his way to her pulsing artery, the fear making her heart pump faster and faster, only speeding up the process of which he would drain her. The hot sticky liquid burst into his mouth, he swallowed with pleasure and relief, feeling the blood sooth his starving innards and spread through his muscles.
Her body gave one last involuntary twitch as the vampire who killed her regained his composure, his now sober mind lamenting the necessary death he had caused, watching as the burnt skin slowly began to knit itself back together.