
Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

well, best rumor has it that TESV is in Skyrim, so... ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:30 am

^ i hope not
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 am

^ i hope not


I mean, that's not to say I won't play or enjoy it. Its just that the Nords are such "right out of the real world's book" and a stale rehash of relatively well-known Viking Culture, just as Cyrodiil was for other European cultures (with its different Architecture styles). Now there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from real life. I just hope if TESV Skyrim happens, they put interesting and new spins on Nordic culture.

I personally would like to see a region of Akavir, or Thras, or Black Marsh, Hammerfell, or Summerset Isle. I guess I wouldn't mind a Elsweyr/Valenwood one either. Cyrodiil and Morrowind have already been done. High Rock would just seem like more of Cyrodiil, just more devoutly British Isles in inspiration.

Sorry, a little off topic....
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:34 pm


I mean, that's not to say I won't play or enjoy it. Its just that the Nords are such "right out of the real world's book" and a stale rehash of relatively well-known Viking Culture, just as Cyrodiil was for other European cultures (with its different Architecture styles). Now there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from real life. I just hope if TESV Skyrim happens, they put interesting and new spins on Nordic culture.

have to disagree there. Take Hammerfell for instance. most people think "Islamic" when they think of hammerfell. Aladdin. but one of our goals is not to make it a generic middle east land but hammerfell. Therefore we mixed in subsaharan elements, with hints of the far east, added a dab of India, and spiced it all up with a good shot of pure fantasy. Ive yet to see someone argue that what we produces doesnt look like hammerfell, and yet it is not the first thing people think of. same thing with skyrim. people think that its just snow and drunk vikings, but there is http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/4517/ulanvde10.jpg http://www.photosfan.com/images/preachers-pulpit-norway1.jpg http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2963/nord.jpg http://www.imperial-library.info/obscure_text/aldudagga.shtml.

but yea, this is off topic :P had a good run of the border yesterday, expect some screenshots soon :)
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:41 am

have to disagree there. Take Hammerfell for instance. most people think "Islamic" when they think of hammerfell. Aladdin. but one of our goals is not to make it a generic middle east land but hammerfell. Therefore we mixed in subsaharan elements, with hints of the far east, added a dab of India, and spiced it all up with a good shot of pure fantasy. Ive yet to see someone argue that what we produces doesnt look like hammerfell, and yet it is not the first thing people think of. same thing with skyrim. people think that its just snow and drunk vikings, but there is http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/4517/ulanvde10.jpg http://www.photosfan.com/images/preachers-pulpit-norway1.jpg http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2963/nord.jpg http://www.imperial-library.info/obscure_text/aldudagga.shtml.

but yea, this is off topic :P had a good run of the border yesterday, expect some screenshots soon :)

I have to agreed with LadyN,

Can't wait to see new screenshots!!

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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:18 am

off topic:the reasonwhy y i dont hope for skyrim as that is is my favourite province, i think i may be dissapointed.
i hope for TES V to be like daggerfall; on the border between more provinces; EX, valenwood/elsweyr.

on topic; have you killed the last bugs, lady N?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:47 am

I've fixed all reported bugs that i could, and a few more i found myself. Currently I'm doing last fixes on the Love in Strange Places quest, as it seems to hang up in the middle.
I wasn't able to fix the error with the doors not being accessible from all points, they look fine in the CS and i dont know whats causing it. Afterwards I'll start on adding Rihad to the other side of the border :)

ok, now for the screenshots:
http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/3246/siddle01.jpg, a smuggler's passage.
http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/1108/stonegate04.jpg at http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/5663/stonegate05.jpg. This small fort is a http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/1151/stonegate02.jpg, believed to be the place at which Hrol famously loved a hillock. The http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9432/stonegate03.jpg's name commemorates this occasion.
The http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/1748/brena03.jpg to Fort Brena has some epic sights, and the http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7821/brena02.jpg is a http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/2266/brena01.jpg.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:10 pm

Lovely work as always!

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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:40 pm


I mean, that's not to say I won't play or enjoy it. Its just that the Nords are such "right out of the real world's book" and a stale rehash of relatively well-known Viking Culture, just as Cyrodiil was for other European cultures (with its different Architecture styles). Now there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from real life. I just hope if TESV Skyrim happens, they put interesting and new spins on Nordic culture.

i understand where your coming from that its pretty obvious that the nords are obviously from somewhere around viking descent, but this is Tamriel, their not vikings but nords and thus can be made a better background story than just pilaging and [censored]. There could be more history behind them and other interesting aspects, but i do agree with you that they are basically vikings if they were related to our world... haha, but eventually i just want the whole world of Tamriel alive. This is gonna take a GRIIIIP but its gonna be [censored]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 am

Wow, that map looks fantastic. So I have Elsweyr at the moment, will get Hammerfell when it comes out, and Morrowind when it gets released as well. Four provinces
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 am

This is going to be really great. Whenever you finish it.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:26 am

I wasn't able to fix the error with the doors not being accessible from all points, they look fine in the CS and i dont know whats causing it.

This sounds like you're describing a door where from certain angles the mouse doesn't register the door in-game? If so, the problem is collision from a static nearby. Turn on viewing of Collision in the CS and you might see that the mesh which the door is against has collision reaching too far forward. In which case the door needs moving forwards, possibly requiring some door frame to be extended with it. Alternatively, making the collision more accurate for the static would also resolve it (but more accurate collision tends to impact on FPS more).
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:49 am

thanks! i didnt even know you could turn on collision :P i've fixed it in the CS, hopefully its good now. thanks again for the help :)
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

I vote for Valenwood/Elsweyr. The Elsweyr mod was pretty good and I think there's a lot of story potential there. Then again, a game set in Akaviri lands would introduce at least 4 new races and tons of new armor, weapons, and architecture - so it might be a more productive game in and of itself (whereas Elsweyr is more expansion pack material).

Whatever they decide to do, if it's anywhere near the quality of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 - I'm buying it!!!
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:30 am

hey... :)

How will we handle over the border mods taking place at the Hammerfell border like for example ULRiver Brena etc ....I mean if we play the Hammerfell mod with disabled borders, we will have a big logical problem....maybe providing such mods ( UL River Brena) for both worldspaces wouldl help...??? However this is a point we should all think about, as we have more and more over the border mods on the one side, but as well a lot of amazing wip projects like Hammerfell, Blackmarsh etc using their own worldspaces on the other....


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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 am

As long as the mods don't alter the cells altered by TR (namely Fort Brena, Sidle Cave, Stone Gate, and the roads leading up to them) then there won't be any conflicts.

Unfortunately I think all the UL mods along the Hammerfell-Cyrodiil border interfere with at least one of our border crossings. Unless UL do a patch or different version, it's up to the player whether they would prefer to have the Unique Landscapes mods or TR's Hammerfell in their game.
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louise tagg
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:33 pm

I vote for Valenwood/Elsweyr. The Elsweyr mod was pretty good and I think there's a lot of story potential there. Then again, a game set in Akaviri lands would introduce at least 4 new races and tons of new armor, weapons, and architecture - so it might be a more productive game in and of itself (whereas Elsweyr is more expansion pack material).

Whatever they decide to do, if it's anywhere near the quality of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 - I'm buying it!!!

I think Valenwood would be better. Elsweyr: Deserts of Anequina mod already does an amazing job.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:55 pm

hey... :)

How will we handle over the border mods taking place at the Hammerfell border like for example ULRiver Brena etc ....I mean if we play the Hammerfell mod with disabled borders, we will have a big logical problem....maybe providing such mods ( UL River Brena) for both worldspaces wouldl help...??? However this is a point we should all think about, as we have more and more over the border mods on the one side, but as well a lot of amazing wip projects like Hammerfell, Blackmarsh etc using their own worldspaces on the other....



In-game Hammerfell does have a really well-defined border. Even with borders switched off the Brena river and most of the mountains are just too steep to cross. I think with a few strategically placed rocks here and there, steepened hillsides, and a few collision boxes you could block it off and force people to use the proper crossing points.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 am

As long as the mods don't alter the cells altered by TR (namely Fort Brena, Sidle Cave, Stone Gate, and the roads leading up to them) then there won't be any conflicts.

Unfortunately I think all the UL mods along the Hammerfell-Cyrodiil border interfere with at least one of our border crossings. Unless UL do a patch or different version, it's up to the player whether they would prefer to have the Unique Landscapes mods or TR's Hammerfell in their game.

what I mean is...I am playing a mod ( must not be UL) with disabled borders, which places something behind the cyrodiil border in the tamriel worldspace ( for example a village for a new quest) ..if I now use as well a mod like yours ( own worldspace with enabled borders) I will have for example, a village in the tamriel worldspace and something completely different at the same location in the new worldspace......I am now wondering how other modmakers will handle this ....providing different versions could be one solution...hope you don't get me wrong this should be no critic...I am really looking forward to play Hammerfell...but as I am currently planning the quests for my own mods ( Fort Akatosh Redux etc) this is an interesting point for me ....

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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:40 am

if youre playing with borders off you'll technically be able to wander into the LOD area of Hammerfell. there wont be much of anything there though. i dont want to place more than is necessary to preserve compatibility (and save myself some work), so we will just have to trust that the player enters Hammerfell the proper way. any Cyrodiil mods, such as the UL's, will not be moved over to Hammerfell because the terrain is too different, it would be a lot of work, and not everyone uses the same mods. we cant anticipate every single mod that places something behind the borders.

now, in terms of UL mods, most of Hammerfell is really a giant "unique landscape." we spent a long time making the land unique. there are a ton of little ponds and tons of epic cliffs (the Brena river is lined with them), as well as waterfalls and streams. im working on a video to show off some of these places, but i can assure you that Hammerfell is not just a huge, procedurally generated area :)

Cath: UL compatibilities are currently being tested. i didnt notice any horrible overlaps on the maps alone, so it may turn out that the mods are completely compatible :D
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:59 pm

I notice that there are alot of bug fixing more than adding material.... are we perhaps seeing a beta soon? Also has there been any concept art or talk on Sentinel itself?
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 am

have to disagree there. Take Hammerfell for instance. most people think "Islamic" when they think of hammerfell. Aladdin. but one of our goals is not to make it a generic middle east land but hammerfell. Therefore we mixed in subsaharan elements, with hints of the far east, added a dab of India, and spiced it all up with a good shot of pure fantasy. Ive yet to see someone argue that what we produces doesnt look like hammerfell, and yet it is not the first thing people think of. same thing with skyrim. people think that its just snow and drunk vikings, but there is sooo much more potential.

This is what I'm hoping for!

I'm sorry if I sounded overly hostile to the TES V Skyrim idea. I just wasn't impressed by Bruma in TES IV. I have been since cursed with the idea that TES V Skyrim would be populated by a whole bunch of Brumas to visit. That is a scary thought...

But what you say is true. There is a lot that can be done with Skyrim. Lets just hope its done.

Sigh. Off topic again...

Hammerfell is looking nice, btw. I just kinda wish it was in the same world space.

And, I'm only a beginning modder so this isn't exactly within my knowledge---but would there be a way to put Hammerfell into the same world as Tamriel?

Also...I have some concepts for Hammerfell wildlife as well as quest ideas. I was going to offer them up to Broad0000 and his/her Hammerfell mod, but there has been quite lack of activity as of late...and I'm not entirely sure that he/she wants any outside help at all.

So, if the modders of Hammerfell Rebuilt are at all interested, I could throw some of my ideas your way.

Keep up the good work! :goodjob:
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:39 pm

And, I'm only a beginning modder so this isn't exactly within my knowledge---but would there be a way to put Hammerfell into the same world as Tamriel?

No, not without modifying the game engine itself, which would probably break the EULA. Memory limits prevent any worldspace being much bigger than the current Cyrodiil.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 am

When making a new province in a new world space, how do you solve the problem of parts of the province already existing in the Cyrodiil Worldspace? And how is the transition between the world space being done in-game?
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am

When making a new province in a new world space, how do you solve the problem of parts of the province already existing in the Cyrodiil Worldspace? And how is the transition between the world space being done in-game?

That's interest me too.
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