With Lady N suffering technical difficuties (dont ask me i dont actually know) I'll have to field this one as best i can...
The grass, lke most everything else, is still (officialy at least) work in progress, and while i agree some grass types need work still, others look absolutly six! There is, of course many different varieties of grass in use (pretty much a different grass 'blend' for each seperate 'grassy' terrain texture), so a little bit of 'cartoonyness' for some varieties isn't all bad once you get to see the whole vista

Goldmoor as a whole is getting closer to completion with each passing day (hour, minuet, second, etc). With my own work along the Tark River (just east of the City of Taneth), am am easily up to the 3/4 mark, with very little in the way of 'big things' left to add. I even have a few ideas percolating for misc quests that can be placed within my claim area.
Please, feel free to share any basic quest ideas you have, much like the Chimera of Mythology, the more heads the better!