» Fri May 27, 2011 2:27 am
Ibsen: Yep, we will. However, due to issues of scale and the fact that many years have passed it wont be a complete copy. in other words, the basic layout will be similar (port in the south of the city, ruins on the southern edge of the island, etc.) but specifics like the number of houses wont match up exactly.
Uglulyx: Mainland Morrowind is our TES3 project, and it is very much playable. both maps are part of the PES Hall of Fame, and Telvannis won 2007 RPG mod of the year from Gamespy. so if you have Morrowind i strongly recommend it. For TES4 we released Stirk, an island that was left out of Cyrodiil, in 2008. Its a nice chunk of landscape, though not nearly province sized, and includes quests.
Hammerfell is also playable, although not yet released. Right now i am working on merging a HUGE area encompassed in http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=forum/showmap&map=8.