In regards to OoT, I remember seeing some sketches by you quite awhile back for clothing and I think armor. How does that progress?
for now we are focusing more on statics and clutter because those are needed for claims. however, Jelle started on a navy uniform a while back, and ive recently learned to rig models and have been practicing on some Hammerfell armor, though its not anywhere near showcase level. There is one extra special, extra cool set that has already been completed by one of our members... but were keeping that secret for now

Part of the dungeon design is simply how the tileset is made. Morrowind had large, organic rooms to break up the monotony of hallways, while Oblivion's tileset is lacking in that respect. Since we dont plan on making another cave tileset theres only so far we can go with it. Our modders are extremely creative however, so there will be at least some variation

My favorite Hammerfell dungeon so far is the ruined imperial fort i showed screenshots of a while back. the outside has all kinds of small ramparts and walkways, and it offers a magnificent view of Hammerfell. The interior, made by PoHa, is constructed entirely of exterior pieces, and really feels like a broken down tower, not a maze of pointless corridors.
Now is the perfect time to discuss dungeons actually, since ive been matching up our interiors (made years back) with our exteriors. Several will need to be redone, and we are currently discussing what exactly to do with them. We had a working mine in Stirk, so that is definitely an option for Hammerfell (though maybe not for Goldmoor, as it is rather flat). Another proposed idea was having some Yokudan immigrants hiding out in a cave, which could be a great lore opportunity. We also have two active forts, though those arent dungeons.
If you have any ideas of what you'd like to see in terms of dungeons, or anything else, please post