-- Hammerfell --
Tamriel Rebuilt is a massive effort to reconstruct Tamriel, piece by piece, based on Elder Scrolls lore.
We are currently working on bringing the province of Hammerfell to life. Hammerfell is a diverse province populated by the Redguards, descendants of the mythic Ra Gada who came from the lost continent of Yokuda to conquer this desert province. The Redguards are a fiercely independent and proud people, famous throughout the Empire for their skill at warfare and seafaring.
One of our primary objectives is to make Hammerfell a completely unique gaming experience. The cities of Hammerfell are nothing like those of the Imperial Province, and neither are its terrain, peoples, or culture. In order to achieve this lofty objective we have modeled and textured hundreds of objects for Goldmoor alone! Everything from the grass of the region to the armor of the native Raga is entirely unique and steeped in lore. Here are a few examples of our latest modeling endeavors:
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/LighHouse01.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/LighHouse02.jpg NEW!
- http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/907/templerenderwip3.jpg - this model is made up of the central building plus over a dozen modulars, allowing the modders tons of customization.
- http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o97/solobeck/ren1.jpg?t=1245355741 | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/MarketStall.jpg
You can also follow our progress at our http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/blog/ and our https://twitter.com/TamrielRebuilt account!
-- Goldmoor --
Goldmoor is a vast land of grassy hills, monolithic tors, and swampy coastal inlets located in the south of Hammerfell. Goldmoor is home to two major Forebear cities, Rihad and Taneth. Goldmoor is fully generated and most of the detailing claims are near completion, which means that this region is just about done.
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GoldmoorNew2.jpg - one of three access points into Hammerfell
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/GM10.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GoldmoorNew1.jpg | http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/4533/oblivion200901182153529hk3.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GMPan.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GMPan3.jpg NEW!
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/GM11.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GMPan4.jpg NEW!
- http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/3817/oblivion200901182156279mj4.jpg
- http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/6646/oblivion200901182159431lk9.jpg
Rihad was founded by the famous Swordsinger Frandar Hunding. And is unique in that it is a fiercely traditional Forebear city. The citizens consider the empire a powerful ally, but by no means intend to Cyrodiify like Taneth has done. Raha Treigo, a dictator-general who rose to power after the Camoran Usurper defeated the city, rules the city of Rihad.
At the time of writing, Rihad is nearly complete and interior work has begun on the middle class areas of the city. It is truly the gem of Goldmoor, full of tight alleys, small courtyards, and a brilliant layout that combines beauty with efficiency.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-ksaVGAZRY
- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bZaUK4cqH5w
- http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/blog/index.php?/archives/22-The-Crisis-in-Hammerfell,-Part-I-Raha-Treigo.html
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew1.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew2.jpg
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew3.jpg
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew4.jpg
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew6.jpg
Duchess Clavilla, a staunch Imperial supporter who denounces all traditional Redguard ways, rules Taneth. After the Camoran Usurper destroyed Tanyedt in the mid 3rd Era, the Empire helped to rebuild it and made the city into an Imperial Duchy.
Taneth is over half way complete. The main middle class district and all of the lower class area has been completed, and the harbor and the fort is well under way. The city is much more open than Rihad, and features broad, sidewalk-lined streets reminiscent of many Imperial cities. While he wealthier citizens surround themselves with beautiful gardens, many of the city's poor denizens are forced to live in the ruins left by the Usurper.
- http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/blog/index.php?/archives/23-The-Crisis-in-Hammerfell,-Part-II-Duchess-Clavilla.html
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/Taneth20.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/Taneth19.jpg
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/Taneth17.jpg
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/TanethNew1.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/TanethNew3.jpg
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/TanethNew2.jpg
-- Helkori--
North-east of Goldmoor lies the great Helkori plains. The Helkori is a savanna of rolling hills, largely uninterrupted by foliage except for the exotic trees and the occasional rock cluster. There are many small villages in the Helkori, but no major settlements.
Much progress has been made on the Helkori since the last thread. The objects needed for the region have been completed and the landscape textures made. At the time of writing generation has begun on the Helkori region, and it will soon be open for detailing claims. I will update this space with finished presets when they become available.
- http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK3.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK4.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK1.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK2.jpg
-- What can I do? --
Everything! The simplest way to help is to spread the word of Tamriel Rebuilt. Simply putting a link in your signature or telling a fellow forum user about us goes great ways to helping us succeed. Even something as basic as showing your support helps us out a lot

We also require modders. There is still one landscape claim available for, and many more will soon open up for the Helkori. The landscapes are already populated with procedurally generated items; the modder's task consists of fixing errors and adding detail. Modelers and texturers are very much needed to help us bring our vision of Hammerfell to you. All kinds of claims are available for your meshing/texturing pleasure, including the Goldmoor Upper Class set, new creatures, new armor? and just about anything else you can think of. We also need concept artists to develop that vision in the first place. While these are our most needed areas, all other modders are also welcome to join. Check out our http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=join page for more information.
Hope you like what you see!
Until next time,
The http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org Team