
Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:25 pm


-- Hammerfell --

Tamriel Rebuilt is a massive effort to reconstruct Tamriel, piece by piece, based on Elder Scrolls lore.

We are currently working on bringing the province of Hammerfell to life. Hammerfell is a diverse province populated by the Redguards, descendants of the mythic Ra Gada who came from the lost continent of Yokuda to conquer this desert province. The Redguards are a fiercely independent and proud people, famous throughout the Empire for their skill at warfare and seafaring.

One of our primary objectives is to make Hammerfell a completely unique gaming experience. The cities of Hammerfell are nothing like those of the Imperial Province, and neither are its terrain, peoples, or culture. In order to achieve this lofty objective we have modeled and textured hundreds of objects for Goldmoor alone! Everything from the grass of the region to the armor of the native Raga is entirely unique and steeped in lore. Here are a few examples of our latest modeling endeavors:

  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/LighHouse01.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/LighHouse02.jpg NEW!
  • http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/907/templerenderwip3.jpg - this model is made up of the central building plus over a dozen modulars, allowing the modders tons of customization.
  • http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o97/solobeck/ren1.jpg?t=1245355741 | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/MarketStall.jpg

You can also follow our progress at our http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/blog/ and our https://twitter.com/TamrielRebuilt account!

-- Goldmoor --

Goldmoor is a vast land of grassy hills, monolithic tors, and swampy coastal inlets located in the south of Hammerfell. Goldmoor is home to two major Forebear cities, Rihad and Taneth. Goldmoor is fully generated and most of the detailing claims are near completion, which means that this region is just about done.
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GoldmoorNew2.jpg - one of three access points into Hammerfell
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/GM10.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GoldmoorNew1.jpg | http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/4533/oblivion200901182153529hk3.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GMPan.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GMPan3.jpg NEW!
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/GM11.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/GMPan4.jpg NEW!
  • http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/3817/oblivion200901182156279mj4.jpg
  • http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/6646/oblivion200901182159431lk9.jpg

Rihad was founded by the famous Swordsinger Frandar Hunding. And is unique in that it is a fiercely traditional Forebear city. The citizens consider the empire a powerful ally, but by no means intend to Cyrodiify like Taneth has done. Raha Treigo, a dictator-general who rose to power after the Camoran Usurper defeated the city, rules the city of Rihad.

At the time of writing, Rihad is nearly complete and interior work has begun on the middle class areas of the city. It is truly the gem of Goldmoor, full of tight alleys, small courtyards, and a brilliant layout that combines beauty with efficiency.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-ksaVGAZRY
  • http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bZaUK4cqH5w
  • http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/blog/index.php?/archives/22-The-Crisis-in-Hammerfell,-Part-I-Raha-Treigo.html

  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew1.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew2.jpg
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew3.jpg
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew4.jpg
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/RihadNew6.jpg

Duchess Clavilla, a staunch Imperial supporter who denounces all traditional Redguard ways, rules Taneth. After the Camoran Usurper destroyed Tanyedt in the mid 3rd Era, the Empire helped to rebuild it and made the city into an Imperial Duchy.

Taneth is over half way complete. The main middle class district and all of the lower class area has been completed, and the harbor and the fort is well under way. The city is much more open than Rihad, and features broad, sidewalk-lined streets reminiscent of many Imperial cities. While he wealthier citizens surround themselves with beautiful gardens, many of the city's poor denizens are forced to live in the ruins left by the Usurper.
  • http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/blog/index.php?/archives/23-The-Crisis-in-Hammerfell,-Part-II-Duchess-Clavilla.html

  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/Taneth20.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/Taneth19.jpg
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR/Taneth17.jpg
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/TanethNew1.jpg | http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/TanethNew3.jpg
  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/TanethNew2.jpg

-- Helkori--

North-east of Goldmoor lies the great Helkori plains. The Helkori is a savanna of rolling hills, largely uninterrupted by foliage except for the exotic trees and the occasional rock cluster. There are many small villages in the Helkori, but no major settlements.

Much progress has been made on the Helkori since the last thread. The objects needed for the region have been completed and the landscape textures made. At the time of writing generation has begun on the Helkori region, and it will soon be open for detailing claims. I will update this space with finished presets when they become available.

  • http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK3.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK4.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK1.jpg http://ladyn.tamriel-rebuilt.org/PR2/HK2.jpg

-- What can I do? --

Everything! The simplest way to help is to spread the word of Tamriel Rebuilt. Simply putting a link in your signature or telling a fellow forum user about us goes great ways to helping us succeed. Even something as basic as showing your support helps us out a lot :) Please comment! Your opinions are very important to us.

We also require modders. There is still one landscape claim available for, and many more will soon open up for the Helkori. The landscapes are already populated with procedurally generated items; the modder's task consists of fixing errors and adding detail. Modelers and texturers are very much needed to help us bring our vision of Hammerfell to you. All kinds of claims are available for your meshing/texturing pleasure, including the Goldmoor Upper Class set, new creatures, new armor? and just about anything else you can think of. We also need concept artists to develop that vision in the first place. While these are our most needed areas, all other modders are also welcome to join. Check out our http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=join page for more information.

Hope you like what you see!

Until next time,

The http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org Team
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 am

Are you guys going to work on The Alik'r Desert and Sentinel next after this?
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:53 am

the next region is the Helkori, so that Hammerfell's borders are all complete (meaning you can cross into it and see actual content). after that yes, it will be the Alik'r - we have some really cool stuff planned for it.
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meg knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:55 am

Nice, I can't wait. The Helkori is my favourite region at the moment
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Killah Bee
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:17 pm

Nice with a new tread..

Are you going to release Hammerfell in bits like with your morrowind maps??
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Bethany Short
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:19 am

Yep, exactly :)
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 am

Awesome. Can't wait to see what the TR team has to offer.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:07 am

Yep, exactly :)

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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:35 pm

So goldmoor will be release 1? will it have quests?
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:46 pm

So goldmoor will be release 1? will it have quests?

Right now, my plan is to make Goldmoor and a generated Helkori release #1. It wont have quests, but it will have a finished (or nearly so) Goldmoor, plus a basic Helkori, and a full heightmap to explore; it will also have interiors in the cities and NPCs to interact with. The specifics haven't been worked out yet - and thats where i need your help. every team does releases differently, but i want to know what mod users like. do you mind not having quests? would empty areas of the heightmap bother you? Those of you who played Telvannis and Antediluvian Secrets are fairly familiar with the quality and quantity of the releases, we will likely follow a similar blueprint for Oblivion as well, but the games are obviously different and require different approaches. what do you want to see in a primary release? ;)
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:06 am

I just hope in the first release you will be able to learn about each NPC (like in Morrowind) through conversations. That'll definitely bring life to Goldmoor even if there aren't any quests
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:28 am

Personally I think a release without actual gameplay content (= quests and interesting dungeons) is not a good idea. You have spent so much time to create all the new meshes and place them in the CS. Now someone downloads your mod, is overwhelmed by the cool new stuff but loses interest after walking around for half an hour simply because there is nothing to do. The next version of your mod will be much less anticipated because the visuals won't be new anymore. It is much better to let the player experience all the new things one by one during a few quests instead of giving him all the visuals at once without anything to do. Even a medium sized and not overly complex 'introduction' quest that leads the player through portions of the completed areas would be good enough and shouldn't take that long to make. I know it is hard to wait even longer for a release after so much work, but I would wait. Of course I would download the mod one way or another, but that is exactly the problem.

I don't mind a few empty areas, but they shouldn't be areas you can't avoid while playing the mod.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:06 am

I have similar thoughts to Phitt. I thought of suggesting that you add a bunch of really basic "go to Her, bring me X, give X to Him" quests, but then thought that people might mistake such basic temporary quests as your top level of quest-making abilities and be put off future releases, so it's probably better not to do this!

Some basic but not too-basic quests would be a good idea for the first release.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:55 am

Thanks for the input guys :) I'm thinking do basic miscellaneous quests for the primary release, and leave the faction/guild storylines for later versions. The misc. quests should still give the player a nice intro to Hammerfell and something to do, but will be much easier to write and implement.

I guess i'll have to learn to make quests :P

Anyone else have any comments about this or anything else? Come on, I know you guys are an opinionated bunch ;)
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Olga Xx
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:17 am

Right now, my plan is to make Goldmoor and a generated Helkori release #1. It wont have quests, but it will have a finished (or nearly so) Goldmoor, plus a basic Helkori, and a full heightmap to explore; it will also have interiors in the cities and NPCs to interact with. The specifics haven't been worked out yet - and thats where i need your help. every team does releases differently, but i want to know what mod users like. do you mind not having quests? would empty areas of the heightmap bother you? Those of you who played Telvannis and Antediluvian Secrets are fairly familiar with the quality and quantity of the releases, we will likely follow a similar blueprint for Oblivion as well, but the games are obviously different and require different approaches. what do you want to see in a primary release? ;)

I am with Phitt and Vorians on this one - I would rather wait and have a few quests to do while exploring, than "simply' a new landscape to discover. However fun exploring new things might be, wandering around a region as massive as Goldmoor will only stay fun for so long. If you're really anxious to show the public your progress, try to have at least some very basic guiding quests that take the player to the parts of the mod you want them to see! This way you can furthermore showcase your work a lot better than simply letting players explore. I wouldn't worry too much about the complexity of the quests at first, though - just having something to do, even if not very elaborate, will really bring things to life.

Anyhow, good luck and keep up the amazing work! :)


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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:37 am

I must say that I agree totally with the others so far, even a few very basic quest, would bring the province to life, and I can waite at iest 6 months for that..
keep up the great work, and dont stress..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:37 am

How long did it take to create the quests for Stirk? There is a MQ and SQ's but nothing major. Could something similar to that be done for release one in a reasonable amount of time? Have quests been brainstormed and written yet? In terms of things like a borken heightmap could you just create an invisible wall that when hit tells us to turn around? That way although we wont be able to yet explore the some areas we can at least see them instead of a blank area. A broken heightmap is a major immersion killer.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:36 pm

Not gona lie here, quests for Stirk took years. we were disorganized, Oblivion was new (and hence our questers inexperienced), our questers kept leaving. There were months where nothing got done on the island while we focused on morrowind and hammerfell. I dont think thats a good metric for Hammerfell :P I'm not sure how many questers we have, but I am learning the craft and there are quite a few chugging away at Morrowind - several of which are also capable of oblivion. an optimistic estimate says that side quests could be done in a month, but first we have to finish the locations for them to get claims finished and merged into the main esm.

Most of our quest ideas to date have focused on factions and the main quest, and i dont want to jump into that in a primary release. However, those threads contain a lot of quest ideas that were rejected for factions but could be adapted as sidequests. I dont think writing is going to pose much of a problem, its the actual implementation thats gotten us in the past.

Broken heightmap? Not sure where you got this, ours works great :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 am

oops. not broken heightmap, empty heightmap ;) ...just saying an invisible wall could help with that. :)
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candice keenan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:18 am

im not sure that i want to take a way the option to explore it though, there are some really gorgeous views and locations. if someone wants to visit where Sentinel will be or treck up to the skyrim border i want to give them that opportunity :)

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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:33 am

having no quests is a REAL BUMMER...you need reasons for existing in areas...exploring gets boring after a while.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:22 am

its been decided then, 1st release will include some quests to keep you busy :)

personally, exploring doesn't get boring. most of what in oblivion and morrowind is just explore places... i guess im weird like that :shrug:
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:31 am

Can you give us any idea how much progress is left before 1st release? :rolleyes: I hope it will be sometime summer :twirl:
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:51 am

It depends on what exactly we decide to include and how to include it, which still remains to be discussed. in terms of stuff we need to finish the region, there are still several models which are absolutely required, and we need to finish the detailing claims (which are getting closer, and looking better, every day). There are also quite a few interiors to be done, but we are keeping those unavailable until we finish some more models: we want hammerfell to look as unique as possible, and that requires everything from dishes to furniture to be made custom. interior claims are traditionally TR's best area however, last time we had some hammerfell claims available they were all claimed and finished within the week :) I'm not going to make any guesses as to when the release will be since there are so many variables up in the air.

as we like to say, it will be done when its done. it will be done a whole lot faster with your assistance however ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

personally, exploring doesn't get boring. most of what in oblivion and morrowind is just explore places... i guess im weird like that :shrug:

I'm the same...

Just curious, do any npcs travel between Hammerfell and Cyrodiil with this?
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Trista Jim
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