(sorry for capitals)
well ive just found this very strange bug on my ocmputer, though it isint a bad one...its just really weaird.
i dont know wether anybody else has seen this before, but here goes:
so, after completing ulterior movitives and becomeing an evoker, i travel to hamolth red-toth to buy some bling with my old elf, i litrally jump about a foot intothe air when i enter the building and have found hamloth wearing necromancer robes! ( with hood)
this has never happended to me before, so i very nevousley shuffle towards the counter, exspecting him to cry at any moment " die elf, die!"
then i tlak to him, and all normal.
aftrerwards this made me laugh for so long, but i think ive worked out why this weaird turn around as happended ( and no its not because red-tooth as revealed his passion of necromancy )
a while back, i bought the highway mans shirt off him, along with some other clothes, then i sold ihm some necromancer robes.
is it possible that i bought the clothes he was wearing, so he equipped the only clothes he had?
wish i knew how to do screenshots, because he looks riducleos in his robes, though oddly sinsiter....