I disagree. I don't think the cage is big enough. We just have different opinions on what constitutes a good life and a big enough environment for the animal. Capiche?
Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread, though, so I will leave it here. I just stating my general opinion on the subject.
http://www.nycanimalrights.com/Fox%20at%20fur%20Farm.jpg* cage is too small. http://www.ratpalace.com/images/rat-cage.jpg cage is fine. But yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I am personally of the opinion that a caged animal can have a comfortable and happy life, if they aren't confined solely to the cage and providing that the cage is appropriate for the size, habitat and activity level of the animal. All my animals have always spent most of the day out of the cage, anyway, and were only in the cage when I was sleeping or away from home. Most of them would prefer spending time in the cage if they had the choice (= the cage was open on the floor/lawn/where ever and the animal was able to choose whether or not to stay outside of the cage or get into it), because to them the cage is home, not a cage.
Which shows, in my opinion at least, that they aren't exactly suffering in there.
* Don't worry, nothing shocking or bloody.