Well if H2H now belong to another skill there will question then for example
if H2H belong to two handed does increasing it will automatically make you better with two handed weapons as well?
What will be with characters thats relay on speed and fast combat and prefer dual wilding of one handed weapons and H2H?
I think better was if devs make separate Martial Arts skill
Thats have different perks trees and branches, with different techniques like
strong and heavy or fast and frequent punches and kicks,
disarming with counterblows and crippling enemies with grips and throws,
and unarmored damage resistance and acrobatic dodging,
longer and faster running, longer breath holding underwater and faster swimming, longer and higher jumping,
many things can be done under such skill, but if one of weapon skills will have H2H as few perks thats increase damage thats looks too small for me, even Oblivion in such cases will be better.
especially modded
Well why then not remake skill if it was too weak to someone?
Learn new moves with skills, disarm and cripple opponents, acrobatic dodging and unarmored damage resistance?
Devs by self like H2H combat
Well we can't be certain what will happen, but I'm thinking If they do tie it into either two handed or one handed, you won't really be a great unarmed fighter unless you take unarmed perks, you'll just have power behind your swings and better manuverability maybe. Like with the different perk trees for axes, maces, and swords in one handed, you would have to invest in the H2H perk tree if you want some real depth beyond straight damage.
Purely hypothetical of course, no one but the devs can guarantee any of this will be included or that H2H is not simply gone and only weak punching is possible, but to me that seems ridiculous in a barbaric place like Skyrim.