I agree that it is definitely underpowered, and even if it doesn't become on par with other weapon skills, I hope the appeal to it is much greater, and it isn't as underpowered as Oblivion.
But the least that can be done is to get rid of the horrible impractical power attacks they have, a two handed strike and spins with fists is definitely impractical, and it doesnt even look cool lol.
Yeah, the power attacks where pretty bad. The spinning hang of death could have easily been replaced with something like a round house kick, infact, all of the power attacks would have been more logical as kicking attacks.
What type of hand to hand weapons do you guys think could be added.
A http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katara_(dagger) of course would be cool
Also the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Scissor would be a nice addition.
Katars are awesome, but lets not forget http://thedarkblade.com/wp-content/uploads/Tekkokagi.JPG
Im not really to concerned about figting styles/weapons. As long as the h2h animations are alot better.
EDIT: Although, with H2H, it would be awesome to be able to redirect and counter attacks, being able to disarm people or counter their attack ending with them impaled on their own sword etc. Would definately make H2H more viable against armed opponents.